Are non Patriot fans tired of seeing the Patriots go to the Super Bowl?


5 year old buck +
Ive lived in Massachusetts for 28 years, but now live in the next state over. Are football fans tired of the Pats winning? I'm not a Pats fan, but follow all sports and I always root against the Pats because they are always winning. I don't have a favorite team in any sport, but follow it all. I just feel like the Pats are in a league of their own. I gotta watch them win mostly every week and hear everyone talk about them. Do most people who don't live in New England hate them?

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Born & raised in Michigan. I guess Brady gets a pass more often here because he went to U of M.

However having no affiliation or particular affection for U of M, i consider myself impartial.

I am perfectly fine with New England representing a league so often. My reasoning is that when a team is good for this long i enjoy that they havent 'bought it say like the Yankees when they went on a rampage for the better part of a decade. NE comes off to me as not arrogant but humble and they dont always win the big one but they are always right there. I consider it a joy to watch some success continue. Brady being 39, i cant imagine he has more than 2 seasons left. Even he cant be this good forever. Belichick's system work no matter who the put in it, it seems.

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I don't like the pats
I'd rather see someone else. But Belichick keeps them on a different level when it comes to game planning and coaching. They get their butts kicked once in a while but the numbers are in their favor.
They dont win they cheat
They definitely don't buy their teams. It's just crazy to see them win so much. Hernandez in jail and Gronk misses 60 per of season and they overcome it. I do give them credit bec credit is due, but wish to see other teams in it.
I don't really care either way, but wouldn't it be something for the Commish to have to hand the Lombardi and the MVP to Brady this year after the suspension? Haha!! My money, however, is on Ryan for both trophies.
Lol. That would be something
Who are the pats? Who is Brady?

Who cares?
Living in Rochester and being a Bills fan all my life...yes.
If the Packers had a better coach they would have more Super Bowl appearances.

I don't care which AFC goes
I'm not a Pats fan or a Belichick fan but I wouldn't be upset if they won the Super Bowl this year. I'd like to see Brady take the trophy in one hand while giving the finger to Roger Goodell with the other.
This makes no sense but I root for the Pats(out of respect) but I am happy when they loose. Every league needs a dominant team for everyone else to chase. The Hoodie is so far ahead of every other coach. Clock management alone puts them two games a year ahead of every other team. Belecheck and Brady will be gone soon enough and the league will suffer. If they win they will accomplish something never done before, but I wouldn't wind if Atlanta put a beat down on them. Some of my friends are Pats fans and I must say they are obnoxious.
I agree with the clock management . They are flawless when it comes to that. I can't believe how many times I see poor clock management in the NFL.
Do I like the Pats? No! Do I cheer for the Pats? Only when they play the Vikings!:eek::p My "favorite AFC team" is the Steelers, so yeah, last weekend sucked for me with the Pack and Steelers both going down. That said, do I have the utmost respect for a team that can win consistently in the face of adversity, you bet your @$$ I do! Brady? Definitely in the list of Top 5 QB's all time. Belichick? Same, maybe a Top 3 coach all time. Belichick finds ways to win no matter who is on his roster. It doesn't matter who is injured, which guys leave the team under free agency, big name players or not, they win games, no one can argue that, period. Do they "cheat"? Maybe, or maybe they just get caught doing what everyone else is doing anyway because the Pats are under more scrutiny because of their winning ways and the fact that they have gotten under Goodell's skin time and again?
The best thing that happened to the Patriots this season was the league giving him 4 games off to start the season. They thought the Patriots would go 0-4. They came together as a team and went 3-1. Name any other team in the league that could go 3-1 without their star quarterack?

The Vikings lost their "STAR" starting quaterback before the season and started off 5-0...but look what happen to them:D:D:D:D:D

to answer the original question YES!!!
Billy + Tommy = GOATs whether I like it or not. Truly impressive what they've done, and how they've done it. Their level of working harder and smarter is on another level in the NFL. We'll never see anything like this again.
Tnapoleon 1.jpg o answer your question....
Brady and Belichick gotta be best of all time and again I'm not a Pats fan, Brady or Belichick fan. I root against them but I'm honest at the same time. If he's not the best QB of all time and best coach, I'd like to know who was. Hard to beat their numbers, winning percentage and their rings. They aren't finished yet even after this year which is mind- boggling.