Apple trees look a little off?


5 year old buck +
Any idea why these trees have an old ragged look to them? I just dropped them some lime and weed control yesterday to see if that might be the problem. They are ~14 year old trees from seed. I have some others planted the same time that look 10x as vibrant as these trees.



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They look normal for trees from seed.
Did the cold stunt them after leaf break?
Did the cold stunt them after leaf break?

Could be, I’m not sure what they looked like before the cold snap.

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We had a warmer than average last half of March and early April. It has been colder and wetter than normal since. I think a lot of our trees were tricked into leafing and flowering early and then got hit with the cold snap. It may impact this years production, but I doubt it will impact the trees in the long run. It could be a different micro-climate that accounts for the difference between the vibrant trees and these. I'm not sure if your weather is similar but Chummer could be right.