Apple tree cam


5 year old buck +
We have this old apple tree in our hay field that I never really paid much attention to until this year. I was talking to a guy at work and he said it looked like a "Transparent" and that his parents have one in their yard and it's dropping now too. This tree is being used right now night and day, just a few pics form the last little bit.







Looks like a prime spot for a mock scrape, that is, if there isn't already a natural one there. Good place to place a camera for buck survey. I'll bet every buck on the farm will visit it during the night.
Apple trees are a prime species for scrapes here.

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That is a beautiful, big, old tree. I'm just glad no one cut it down in all it's years, fun to see what comes to enjoy the apples.
Would ya look at that browse line.....sneaky little bastards. Lots of pounds of food in that old tree going to good use.
Would ya look at that browse line.....sneaky little bastards. Lots of pounds of food in that old tree going to good use.
you may be right but if its anything like my old apple trees they are dead branches from lac of sunlight and the fact that the tree is on its way out. I'm sure it will last for many more years though.
We have an apple tree that drops apples from 7-15 to 8-15. It has been a great tree for getting pictures of every buck in the immediate area.
Probably 1/2 - 3/4 of the apples are off this tree now, still using it pretty regularly.

Good place for inventory.


Looks like deer aren't the only thing that likes apples, quite a few pics of the yotes and deer close on the times. Should start some preditor patrol soon.

