Apple/pear/shrub/general maintenance and bark grafting!


5 year old buck +
Well I don't have to coach until Sunday and I have no class today so I decided that I'll sneak away for a day or two. I'm planning on getting my yearly apple and pear maintenance done. This is the first time I've been there since December, so I have lots to do. I won't be doing any major pruning (other than that for grafting) because I know that it's a bad time. Most of these apple trees are 6 foot tall, and were planted as containerized last year. Let me know if there is anything that I'm forgetting!!!

Here is my list:
1. Prune any deadwood and snip off waterspouts
2. Add the usual tablespoon of 10-10-10 around each.
3. Mulch with a heavy layer of aged horse manure and composted/composting leaves.
4. Add a heavy layer of wood chips (2-4 inches) on top of the compost to act as a weed barrier.
5. Work on crotch angles on those branches/trees that aren't trimmed for grafting.

For the ROD's I planted next year:
1. same as above
2. I have some osmacote 14-14-14 that I might use on these rather than the 10-10-10.
3. Same as above, but a lot thinner layer
4. Same as above (probably).

For some spruce I transplanted from another area of my property:
1. same
2. Spray gly around the base (they are in a VERY VERY sandy area, so the competition for water is brutal)
3. add a tiny bit of 10-10-10
4. add mainly wood chips as a mulch to conserve water.

Other stuff:
1. Spray all of the jap barberry that I can find. I hate spraying, (and in general just applying chemicals), but I'll be dammed if I end up fighting both jap barberry AND an autumn olive infestation. Hopefully the damage isn't already done.
2. Bark graft! Tonight and tomorrow night should be kind of chilly (low 30's) but after that it should be smooth sailing! I'll make sure to post my results!
3. Tag all of my trees with the date of grafting, the cultivar, and the person from whom I received the scions.
4. Usual maintenance around stands.
5. Replace my salt licks.
6. Get my cameras up and running!

Did I forget anything? Should I leave anything off?
Your fertilizer rates seem a little light to me.

Here's my source (see table 2):
-- Note well the footnote to cut the amount in half if your trees aren't competing with sod
-- Note that a cup of fertilizer weighs 1/2 a pound

Have fun!