Any suggestions on shipping DCO's, Q. prinoides, in the mail to prevent spoiling seed?


5 year old buck +

Quercus prinoides (dwarf chinquapin oak)

With Q.prinoides this is a problem with transport, most of them are attacked by fungi, sprout too fast !
I am worried about this. Any suggestions on shipping Q. prinoides in the mail to prevent spoiling seed? I have dark brown acorns that had fallen off dwarf chinquapin oaks already. These ones are sprouting fast! I also collected some green acorns from the tree 2 days ago. These ones have not sprouted yet. I wonder if the green ones are better for handling 7-10 days in the mail?

A friend posted this on facebook. Any suggestions?

He may ship to me so I have a stake in it.
In general, to prevent molding while stratification is going on, a weak (10%) bleach solution works well. Dip the nuts in before refrigerating in a damp medium. As long as the post office does their part, you should be good to go. I've never used the bleach solution on any that have started to sprout, I imagine it can't be good for them.
I would think the root radicles breaking off would be a bigger risk. I doubt you will have any spoilage issues with priority mail. I'd consider packing a box with damp sphagnum with the nuts in the sphagnum. If you fill the box, it should keep them from rolling around and minimize chances of breaking the radicles.

I think it is Blitz that sells them. You might want to check with him how he ships.


If you are shipping via USPS it usually cost less than $1 extra for 2-day delivery. Send acorns with NO radical showing; wrap in a slightly damp paper towel, stick them in a plastic sandwich bag with a few air slits (for air) and send them. They'll be fine.