An outsiders take on who you are


A good 3 year old buck
One of the best aspects of this site is that individual personalities are allowed to come through. Here is what I have gleaned so far. Feel free to add your own.

John. The Oracle
sd51555. with a gun pointed in your avatar, you can be whoever you want to be
BatMan. the caped crusader fighting for well managed herds.
Kip and the MN DNR The Joker
Dipper The stick who stirs every pot of s%$t soup
November Forever A combination of Donald Trump and Ted Nugent.
McLovin Superbad
That may be SMSmith in the video next to MOBuck. MO likely providing the shells.
Ouch, 2 of my least favorite peeps. Throwing me back into pychotherapy again.
sorry. its the quick wit, sharp tongue and jet set lifestyle. I know your a Sconny at heart
I'm not sure I can contain Sandbur much longer. Sometimes his eyes glaze over and he goes into some kinda out-of-body experience as evidenced by this video. I'm pretty sure he cause a coupla tsunami's and a number of floods as a result of these actions. He is out of control at times.
New guys got a since of humor haha