160 Acres with Hunting Lodge. Staples, MN

How much tillable?

Aerial map?
How much tillable?

Aerial map?

Agent Remarks:I will get aerial map today.
Tractor not included. 2" foam foundation insulation, 32 acres for planting , 5 deer stands and trails, brush mower & trailer included. Local farmer plants corn or soy beans & leaves some in fall, forest management plan completed giving tax break to owner.
If I only had an extra couple hundred grand lying around......:)
If I had a couple hundred grand lying around the last place I would be looking to spend it on a recreational land purchase would be anywhere in MN, other than Houston Co maybe.
If I had a couple hundred grand lying around the last place I would be looking to spend it on a recreational land purchase would be anywhere in MN, other than Houston Co maybe.

You got to have a local place to hunt too!

That area has some good hunting. Big deer despite our stupid regs. A few nice ones make it.
That would be "local" to me even though I would be out of state. ;) It takes me about 10 minutes to get from my house to the Houston Co. line.
This Staples is north of your area, correct stu?
Lee lives exactly due west of that property. Not real far... ;)

My friend knows the person that owns that 120ish acres just to the west of this property. If you see where all those pines are, that is for sale as well. He wanted around 1200 an acre I believe.
Yeah, my land is sw of there a bit. Good country for deer that's for sure.
I'm not sure this pdf will work. When I click on the 160 it downloads the file below and I can view it. If it doesn't work, I will make it an image file later. Gotta leave for an appointment.


I see state land abuts the west 40 to the north.
Here is an overhead with wetland overlay. The boundaries on the previous map are wrong. It cut off one 40 to the west.

