Recent content by somich

  1. S

    Time to lighten up - Laughter is good medicine Part II

    What more should he do? It might be a good discussion, in the political thread.
  2. S

    First time with planting trees and shrubs???

    I haven't been out to take pics of some of our silky and grey dogwood, I got busy cutting some trees. Maybe tomorrow, sorry.
  3. S

    Habitat experiments for 2025.

    I've got the seeds and It's not a disaster if we don't get many or any trees. Looking to start these soon. I've read some on keeping the seedlings in the semi-shade and then when more mature they want full sun. I don't mind nursing some but, with them having a long delicate taproot i don't...
  4. S

    Habitat experiments for 2025.

    We're going to plant some paw paws pretty soon. They're in peat moss in the refrigerator right now. They're from a local guy so should do fine here. Got about 30 seeds.
  5. S

    First time with planting trees and shrubs???

    For the rod they just got planted last summer, they haven't been browsed by deer or rabbits. When snow fences start to come down around here I'll be able to pick some up free/cheap that I plan to use to protect my long rows by leaning the fence on each side against each other over the row. I'll...
  6. S

    First time with planting trees and shrubs???

    I've had very good results with limbs/brush over starts as long as it isn't too heavy to create shade. Also if was pretty heavy brush , it became a rabbit hut.
  7. S

    First time with planting trees and shrubs???

    I would say that since this your first plantings I would put the dogwood in groups of 5 that you can fence for protection. I've currently planted rod in groups and individuals, I have lots of Grey and silky dogwood so my plantings aren't the feature. I tried to keep my fenced areas small...
  8. S

    White Spruce VS Norway

    I've loved my 9" 3pt auger. I've got sandy loam on top of clay. I need to be careful not to make a hole that makes the roots set in water too long.
  9. S

    Milo seed market?

    Welters recommends Planting Rates Stand Alone 15 lbs per acre or 15-20 lbs per acre if broadcast
  10. S

    Pros and Cons of Manual vs Hydrostatic

    I have a Kubota L35 TLB pre 2000 model and I really love the glide shift system. I can pick a gear and just slide a gear higher lower if I want, or just let her cruise at the steady speed, no need for cruise control.
  11. S

    Time to lighten up - Laughter is good medicine Part II

    That is exceptional
  12. S

    Trump Assassination attempt #1 and #2

    The only slight disagreement with your post is that I think all debated should take place before any voting is allowed.
  13. S

    Time to lighten up - Laughter is good medicine Part II

    Because, there is nothing related to any democratic idea connected to their political concept.
  14. S

    Another Neighbor Thread

    This is how my neighbors and I roll. He's tiling his field and wants to know what works for me in a few areas. For some what works for him, I get some bulldozer work and some tree take down. The excavated ditch is my neighbors, this is really going help to dry me out. Cooperation is awesome.
  15. S

    Another Neighbor Thread

    That sounds like you're a pretty rational person, as are my neighbor farmers. I wanted to do some edge feathering on my west line that's his crop rented property. I told him I just want access, when convenient, to drop some of my trees that way and drag them back. EEzy peezy, no problem, no...