Recent content by SmallTime

  1. SmallTime

    The Organic Farmer has returned

    A head on high speed collision had me down for a while after I had found this site. While I'm still not 100% (can't draw a bow shoot a rifle or drive a tractor) my wife bought me a video camera to occupy my time. Here's a video that I shot off the deck of the house. Enjoy it then I'll comment...
  2. SmallTime

    Why I'm here...

    I'm here because Farmer Dan over on Archerytalk said this place might be worth it. I think he might be right.
  3. SmallTime

    Let us know if you used another name on QDMA

    I quit there so long ago... Think I was either Egg Fart or Jumper Cable.
  4. SmallTime

    Habitat mistakes

    When I first started. Did my soil samples and found that the price of lime and fertilizer was way beyond my meager budget. Halved everything and put some on all my spots. With half assed results. Should have concentrated on getting one spot perfect then on to the next. LIME, LIME , Lime...
  5. SmallTime

    Who are you?

    Yep, between a craftsman lawn mower and a couple 9400 and 8300 john Deers , there are a couple steps. I got a 1950ish Massey Ferguson with a bucket and bush hog along with a Case International 245 with a 5' land pride tiller. I offered the neighbors my services to clean their fence lines (fixed...
  6. SmallTime

    QDMA Forum Lockout.

    Waiting for him to drop down to 185# I'll lose but gotta take it like a man. King of the Cage - amateur division
  7. SmallTime

    Who are you?

    I moved to Mo. 20 years ago from the East. My plan was to have my own deer hunting paradise. Like many , I started with a riding lawn mower and walk behind tiller. I've already made most of the mistakes that many are just getting ready to make. While I'm on the internet quite infrequently, I...
  8. SmallTime

    QDMA Forum Lockout.

    Time for a little shared experience. I was Banned from (the worlds largest MMA site) In a chat room with then UFC Heavyweight Champion Cain Velasquez. He was describing how his "Brown Pride" tatoo reflected his Mexican heritage. I simply asked why "it was written in English...
  9. SmallTime

    Who are you?

    Hello, I'm a farmer/deer hunter in Monroe Co. Missouri. Figured I use this thread to try posting pictures... Wish me luck.