Recent content by RyanJ

  1. RyanJ

    Planting Red Osier Dogwood Using Cuttings

    Cool video experiment! I've grown them really well in buckets in the yard. I didn't use rooting hormone and I had probably about 75% success rate. I've tried sticking some directly in the ground on our hunting property, but the deer or rabbits ate them before they could grow. I think I might...
  2. RyanJ

    Who's working in the woods this weekend?

    I got out on last weekend to do some last-minute apple tree pruning. It seems every time I go to our property, I find another new wild crabapple tree. We have alders surrounding and often choking these trees, so I spent a fair amount of time just releasing them. Some of the trees have never been...
  3. RyanJ

    What's the best tree tube?

    This is a helpful post. We're looking at using those mesh tubes from Forestry Suppliers. Mostly because we have about 600 trees/shrubs to plant and I'd like to protect a good chunk of them on a limited budget. I'm hoping we can get several to grow and then slowly transition to full wire cages...
  4. RyanJ

    What are you planting 2019?

    Finally doing a cost share with the MN DNR this spring. We're planting 100 each highbush cranberry, juneberry, chokecherry, ROD, and wild plum. Our property has a ton of apple trees already, but I can't help but keep propagating more and grafting different varieties onto the existing trees. Also...