I don't want to mess with hooking up a 3-pt tractor auger every time I want to plant a few trees. I can quick attach with a bucket. Also easier to store the bucket outside. I think the stump bucket is cheaper than a 3-pt auger. The stump bucket is more versatile for my needs.
I ended up...
If you are going to do it right it's a lot of work and expensive. If you are handy it's not that difficult, plenty of guides and tips online to help. Mark where your post are going to go and than rent a auger. That will save you a lot of work and time over digging the holes by hand. Fence...
Titan Economy Stump Bucket
Thinking about a stump bucket for digging holes for tree planting. I have a tractor with a front-end loader. Anyone have any experience with using this kind of bucket for digging holes? I would probably have to do some finish digging by hand but the bucket would take...
Bumping this thread from 2023...
I've been looking for a used cultipacker for a couple years on Marketplace without success. I'm not interested in the PackerMaxx, I want one with individual packer wheels. I'm thinking of buying a cheap Field Tuff for $800. It's 4' and weighs 308 pounds. Is that...
I read in another thread that's a few years old, you recommending DeWitt 4'X300' fabric, cut into 4'x4" mats. Like this product... Amazon weed mats? I'm ready to buy weed mats.
At least until the end of archery, January 31.
No. In high wind the side of the blind facing the wind might pop in but it's easy just to pop it back out when you go to hunt the blind.
I have cheap moving blankets for flooring. It cuts down on the noise. Blanket goes with me when done hunting...
I built three of these 6'x8' platforms this summer. They are really easy to build. I used plywood for the deck and a high quality outdoor stain that was on sale from Menards. I built a short rail where the blind opens. The stairs worked just fine but I'm going to reinforce them this spring. I...
Those prices are really high, I would shop somewhere else. I try and buy from the local small farm store. They sell 50# bags of 14-14-14 for $19, 46-0-0 urea $21. I called around for winter wheat seed and everyone was around $24 for 50#.
The Wisconsin DNR collects data on the harvest of yearling bucks (1.5 years old) for each county and county group. They use the information to help estimate deer population. "Yearling buck percent is closely aligned with hunting pressure and where there is a higher harvest of bucks there is...
Using a Kawasaki Mule 4x4 4-passenger. The Mule is a really invaluable tool around the land. It's great to have the bed. I get so much more done using the Mule. Just yesterday I used it to... drive around checking cameras, hauling a ladder stand to a new spot, hauling material for elevated blind...
I don't think I have ever had this happen in the three years I have been using the Reveal cell cams. I would contact Tactacam customer service through the online chat. Maybe your camera has an issue sending pictures? I have had very good luck with Tactacam customer service. They have fixed a...
My recently planted plot is starting to green up. I was thinking of setting up an exclusion cage in the middle of the plot to monitor the use. I would also set a cell camera over the plot. How many guys use an exclusion cage and how else do you monitor how much of the plot is getting consumed?