Recent content by Peplin Creek

  1. Peplin Creek

    Cuddeback's Cuddelink

    Ok thank you
  2. Peplin Creek

    Cuddeback's Cuddelink

    Is cuddeback still selling IR powerhouse cubes?
  3. Peplin Creek

    Cuddelink general Q&A recommendations

    I have a few cameras that keep sending pictures at a certain time everyday. 10 minutes apart for like 30 minutes to an hour. The surveillance and time-lapse appear to be off. Any tips from anyone would be appreciated.
  4. Peplin Creek

    Favorite ladder stand

    I have an original jumbo Jack 17.5 with the mesh seat. It’s been in wisconsin winters since 2013ish and it’s still rock solid. It definitely has lasted along time. No cover or anything. The stand is probably going to rust out before the seat gives out.
  5. Peplin Creek

    House keeping / Disrespectful Arguing / Everyone please read

    Same here and I had my share of run ins on here as well. I hardly visit the site now unless for something specific. Just too exhausting and everything is beating a dead horse at this point. Also found out it actually helped me mentally to take a break as well. I’ll be doing the same again...
  6. Peplin Creek

    House keeping / Disrespectful Arguing / Everyone please read

    It’s a habitat forum… it would be nice to get back to that. Memes included. they’re just another tool to push a political agenda hiding under a different forum title.
  7. Peplin Creek

    Cuddelink general Q&A recommendations

    Thanks for the info John.
  8. Peplin Creek

    Cuddelink general Q&A recommendations

    Is the Filter noticeably more quiet on the L series? It’s my biggest gripe with the current J and G series. I’ve visually watched deer walk towards to the camera very wearying and I notice overtime deer start walking around the camera instead of in front of it. Definitely had to think...
  9. Peplin Creek

    Moultrie Mobile Delta Base Cellular Trail Cameras

    One thing I thought I heard mentioning is that it’s an internal memory unit. I’d be weary of that. I’m sure it’ll work great when it’s working but could be a significant issue if it’s not.
  10. Peplin Creek

    Moultrie Mobile Delta Base Cellular Trail Cameras

    The idea of cuddelink, and one cell plan is great. The cameras and parts of the network operation leave a lot to be desired. For some it’s not a big deal for others it is. For me it was and is why I stopped adding to the network until things change. I have 10 cameras now. Other cell cams are...
  11. Peplin Creek

    Made the Switch

    Thanks for responding, that’s reassuring. That’s exactly why I opted for the stealth 450. Make sure I give myself the best option when things don’t go exactly right. Been there and done that with a bow.
  12. Peplin Creek

    Made the Switch

    Thanks everyone for the kind words. One other nice thing about going to a crossbow, It’s something new that I’ll get to learn about and keep that deer hunting fire burning inside me. Been doing a ton of research on arrow/broadhead combinations. With the Xbow being so fast wondering about if...
  13. Peplin Creek

    Lost my best friend

    Had to say goodbye to my first 1 year ago. One of the hardest things I’ve gone through in awhile. completely understand where you’re coming from. I still have one more, she’ll be 11 in March… dreading the day when I lose her too. I 100% get the desire to not want to get another one. The...
  14. Peplin Creek

    Made the Switch

    Yeah, where I hunt now all of my neighbors use crossbows I was the only one out of 8 hunters in the area that still used a vertical bow. It didn’t change my hunting. Our deer numbers are still going up and I saw very little impact from others in the woods using them. A lot more goes into being...
  15. Peplin Creek

    Made the Switch

    Yes the accuslide models can all silently cock and decock. And it’s made so that at any point during the cocking and decocking cycle you can let go of the handle and the bow string stays right where it is. The handle can’t spin out of control. Other than having a parts failure in the cranking...