Recent content by Maddog66

  1. M

    Dividend Check

    I work for a global manufacturer and we make a number of products used by consumers and government. At this point, when the govt. makes a request for one of those products we simply ignore it. We focus our efforts on the consumer market. Our experiences with them in the past have cost us...
  2. M

    Dividend Check

    I’m late here but chalk me up as one who thinks we should pay down debt……not try to buy votes like the D’s do. But the flip side is that you have to win elections to have a seat at any table and tying our own hands behind our backs is a losing strategy.
  3. M

    Tells us about . . .

    My first piece of property (40 acres) was given to me and my brothers by my uncle. It’ll be given to my nephews when we are gone. My second piece is 275 acres that my wife and I spent 90% of our life cash savings on for a 60% DP. We then spent the next 3+ years making 4x monthly payments on a...
  4. M

    Tractor Cab or No Cab

    Right on Westwind! I did the same on Saturday at -10f with big wind. Never even put on my jacket and gloves. I’ve never had an OS tractor and I can definitely understand the open air appeal, but I live in zone 3a and the cab simply lets me get more done. Whether it’s 90f with 90%RH or -20 and...
  5. M

    2 Favorite plinking guns?

    S&W 15-22 with a cheap red dot is the best plinker I’ve ever had.
  6. M

    Time to lighten up - Laughter is good medicine Part II

    I watched for about 5 minutes and realized I hadn’t understood a single word (lyric?). I try and try to understand that culture, but the point escapes me.
  7. M

    Bathing in liberal tears

    We are all BIG BALLS today!😂
  8. M

    Bathing in liberal tears

    Tear it down, stomp on the pieces, light them on fire, dump them down a well and pour concrete on top.
  9. M

    Bathing in liberal tears

    The winning is delicious on so many levels. I know it can’t last forever so I’m making some liberal tear ice cubes to keep in my freezer. ✌️
  10. M

    Health and Wellness

    I eat red meat almost every meal. I drink about 3 gallons of whole milk per week and about the same amount of coffee. Real butter, real cream, lots of eggs, very little alcohol. I hope all of them come together in about 25 years and kill me painlessly in my sleep.
  11. M

    Time to lighten up - Laughter is good medicine Part II

    When you’ve published 2 original memes on HT, does that make you a meme lord??😂
  12. M

    Frost-seeding Alfalfa Zone 5 & 6

    I’ve bought lots of BOB seed when it’s on sale. It’s fine seed, just way too expensive imo.
  13. M

    Frost seeding Chicory?

    This chicory was frost seeded.