Recent content by KY wild

  1. K

    Wild Turkey population is tanking across most of its range

    Thanks seems logical
  2. K

    Wild Turkey population is tanking across most of its range

    In the last 10 years fewer gobblers to be heard during season, direct result of population decreasing but then last year many more hens had successful hatches, so what caused the good year? I think predators were about the same, I think cover and nesting habitat was about the same, so what...
  3. K

    Wild Turkey population is tanking across most of its range

    We had a good poult year in 2024 in my area of Western Kentucky, I ran into a number of successful families late last spring into summer. In fact a friend said he saw 19 Jakes on my property yesterday in a stubble bean field.
  4. K

    Wild Turkey population is tanking across most of its range

    I hear someone bragging every year about killing a bird at 70-80 yards, worst part not even calling them in, just ambushing at 80 yards. I don't know how much it hurts the population since it is only males I am hearing but it does not seem like fair chase.
  5. K

    Spring Cover Crop

    I would add some balansa clover, good at fixing nitrogen and organic matter. Pretty tough for me
  6. K

    Rootstock Size

    I have ordered my rootstock from the same company the last three years and the size keeps getting larger. Some of you may prefer a larger diameter rootstock but I am having a hard time finding scion large enough to match the rootstock. This year almost all is larger than a pencil. My question...
  7. K


    I found two sheds yesterday spreading clover, then later I jumped two bucks with full hardware on their heads
  8. K

    Early tree planting this spring?

    What kind of trees are you planting in that ag field?
  9. K

    Vendor Recommendation Library

    I think this is a great idea Newbie, but if we could have a page where we could add all the vendors onto one page as a quick future reference. Of course I do not know how to start this page but hopefully someone does. With that said I would add Hancock Seed and Missouri Department of...
  10. K

    If you could change one regulation in your state

    What state are you in Omicron?
  11. K

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    My mad money account also has too much NVDA but it grew so fast early on it was hard to justify a sale, now I still like it and it is house money. If I get burnt it has been my most profitable ride so far, great fun.
  12. K

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    Great call 007
  13. K

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    I am holding Nvidia into earnings. It has recovered from the crash a few weeks ago and my guess is it will give us more good news upon reporting.
  14. K

    Dividend Check

    I think the left and the right want to fix the large deficit, probably the most bipartisan topic in U.S. We don't need a check, we need our government to fix the problem
  15. K

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    I just bought some CELH down 4.5% for the day. I decided to ride out Palantir although it is proving to be a mistake