I've got acres of dead ash. Talked to a tech. from the NRCS a couple weeks ago at an outdoor show. I asked about how to keep invasive out of the dead ash and he said to plant something that will give me canopy. Don't know what would give a quick canopy. Looks like I'll have an upward battle.
Nice haul on some fat perch. Do you have trouble with grubs in the perch? I remember my Aunt and Uncle having a cabin on a lake in MN and the perch were no good because of the grubs.
Even with uncertainty I always felt people will always have money for cigarettes/vaping, alcohol, and cellphones. Two of the three are sin stocks that usually do very well no matter how the economy is. And some of them pay a decent dividend.
Why do we blame the kids and call them slackers when it's the parents that are enabling them?
I don't remember either of my parents telling me they wanted me to have a better life than they did. They both lived through the depression and still had the ration books/coupons from WW2.
I remember...