Recent content by Jerry-B-WI

  1. J

    Maple Syrup time

    Ever think of leasing out the trees? I know a fellow who leases his trees out to a commercial syrup maker. Have no idea how much he gets per season.
  2. J

    Hope For Ash Trees

    You'd think the USDA or Forest Service would jump in on developing a plan to expand on what Iowa is doing.
  3. J

    Hope For Ash Trees

    I've got acres of dead ash. Talked to a tech. from the NRCS a couple weeks ago at an outdoor show. I asked about how to keep invasive out of the dead ash and he said to plant something that will give me canopy. Don't know what would give a quick canopy. Looks like I'll have an upward battle.
  4. J

    Hope For Ash Trees

    Found this Youtube today. There might be hope for ash trees after all.
  5. J

    Late ice perch fishing

    Nice haul on some fat perch. Do you have trouble with grubs in the perch? I remember my Aunt and Uncle having a cabin on a lake in MN and the perch were no good because of the grubs.
  6. J

    Deodorize boots

    You could try throwing them in the freezer for a few days, in a bag of course. Should kill any bacteria that's causing stench.
  7. J

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    Even with uncertainty I always felt people will always have money for cigarettes/vaping, alcohol, and cellphones. Two of the three are sin stocks that usually do very well no matter how the economy is. And some of them pay a decent dividend.
  8. J

    Back into Reloading......

    When you say longer do you mean same weight but different caliber? Or just heavier, thus longer, of the same caliber?
  9. J

    Dividend Check

    Going to go up more after his systems are installed at every airport for ATC.
  10. J

    Uncatagorized.....things we see....

    Are they immune to the bird flu? They have to be laid by hens don't they?
  11. J

    Uncatagorized.....things we see....

    How come there's no chickens to lay eggs, but I can buy all the chicken in the poultry section I want?
  12. J

    Dividend Check

    Sounds like there's more information in Al Capones vault than what Bondi released today. Lucky you didn't hold your breath.
  13. J

    Dividend Check

    We know "about" the list, we know it exists. Tell us what's on it without anything redacted.
  14. J

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    If you're in the market on can expect to get punched in the face once in a while. Keeping emotions out of your decisions will help.
  15. J

    Dividend Check

    Why do we blame the kids and call them slackers when it's the parents that are enabling them? I don't remember either of my parents telling me they wanted me to have a better life than they did. They both lived through the depression and still had the ration books/coupons from WW2. I remember...