Recent content by GoldenTriangleIL

  1. GoldenTriangleIL

    Basal Spraying - Sprayer Help

    I put half the carrier in, then triclopyr, then remainder of carrier. Make sure lid is on tight and tighten all fittings (these work loose, trust me on this), then I give entire sprayer quite the shaking. I also use a Birchmeier.
  2. GoldenTriangleIL

    Cicada Flagged Leaders

    Cicadas “flagged” most of the apple/crabs I planted last spring, including the leaders. Any advice moving forward as far as promoting a new central leader? Should I prune to nearest bud and seal?
  3. GoldenTriangleIL

    Must haves dream plot?

    I currently use the blends below which were based on lickcreek/dbltree offerings with my own modifications. "Bucktober" blend is sweetened with soybeans for early season hunting and cereal rye is removed so I can let wheat go to seed following year. The late season blend will be sprayed with...
  4. GoldenTriangleIL

    Cages, weed mats and mulch

    Been buying the wire from Menards that Hoytvectrix linked above. Best price I have found.
  5. GoldenTriangleIL

    Persimmons from seed?

    I did not scarify the seeds at all, and yes I left them in my garage refrigerator in a ziplock bag with a moist paper towel from November of 2021 when I gathered them until I planted them in spring of 2023.
  6. GoldenTriangleIL

    Green Manure?

    You seemed to be knowledgeable on this subject of which I am not. I would like to get your take (hopefully not highjacking the thread) on the ideal way to utilize the "green manure" benefits of my rotation. I plant Mammoth Red Clover with my cereal grains, pea, and light radish in fall. I will...
  7. GoldenTriangleIL

    Persimmons from seed?

    Late to the party, but I had very good luck with persimmon seeds I picked up off ground (not out of excrement) that I stratified for two winters. I bet germination was pushing 40-50% which was more than satisfactory for me. Once planted persimmons are about the last tree to leaf out so give them...
  8. GoldenTriangleIL

    Red Oak Acorns

    I've noticed for the last few years that the acorns from northern red oak are not consumed by deer or any type of wildlife on my property. All other white oaks, pin oaks, and shingle oaks are eaten but not northern red oak, which seem to be heavy producers. Has anyone else noticed this or have...
  9. GoldenTriangleIL

    100 ROD bare roots in one cage

    Big fan of ROD but I'm not following the strategy of planting that many plants in that small of space.
  10. GoldenTriangleIL

    Jump-starting succession in a field with brush piles?

    Spray out all of the cool season grasses and see what's in your seed banks. Not sure on the go-to shrubs in PA, but Plum, Dogwoods, Viburnum, Hazelnut, Elderberry, etc may be good choices for fast food/cover. You can plant them directly into the trees you down but may want to provide additional...
  11. GoldenTriangleIL

    Native Screen Plants

    As suggested above, ERC and shrubs can provide a good screen. I would also add pin oak to that list if they will grow in your area. They grow fast and hold their leaves most of the winter.
  12. GoldenTriangleIL

    Transplanting Oak Seedlings

    I have copious amounts of pin oak seedlings and would like to distribute them to areas in need of mast trees. Any thoughts on long term survival or growth if the taproot is severed in the process? Some of these seedlings have substantial tap roots. Any strategies/thoughts/concerns before I do...
  13. GoldenTriangleIL

    Alfalfa in Clover mix ?

    I believe the consensus opinion amongst plotters is that the clover will eventually overtake the alfalfa. IMO, not really a benefit to mixing them as Alfalfa will be attractive for almost the same amount of time clover is and is generally more attractive until the frosts come. Even in the dead...
  14. GoldenTriangleIL

    Aberlasting Clover

    I have had good experience with it from a persistence and attractiveness standpoint. Seemed to establish as quickly as other clovers. The severe drought we had this summer fall really knocked it back but not anymore (probably less) than other clover varieties. Would definitely plant again, and I...
  15. GoldenTriangleIL

    Survey or not to survey?

    A word of warning (not legal advice), most states recognize some form of the legal concept of "Adverse Possession." If your neighbor is encroaching onto your property and continues to do so, he can eventually obtain ownership of it if certain conditions/elements are met. A survey would reveal if...