Recent content by farmlegend

  1. F

    Vendor Recommendation Library

    Many years experience with Welter and Alseed for seed. Quality and efficiency marks are high for both. Greencover has been excellent, have done business with them two seasons. Keystone Pest Solutions gets high marks for chemicals. Had good experiences with Ernst, Merit. Many years experience...
  2. F

    If you could change one regulation in your state

    Casual anecdote time. My state began to allow straight walled cartridge rifles a few years ago in both the "muzzleloader" season and also the general firearms season in a region of the state (Michigan's southern lower peninsula, where 60% of hunting effort is applied and 75% of the deer herd...
  3. F

    If you could change one regulation in your state

    For me in Michigan, I'd want zone-specific antler restrictions and shorter firearms seasons for bucks. Between our sixteen day general firearms season, the ten day December "muzzleloader season" (in which straight walled rifle cartridges are now allowed), and our two day youth hunt, we have 28...
  4. F

    If you could change one regulation in your state

    Yeah, I get it, but they can't make regs just for the outlier passionate guys like us. I'd be happy to enjoy myself out at camp without a buck tag(no need to reduce doe tags in my area) and work to make for better hunting experiences in the future, but too many of the masses would just stay...
  5. F

    Beets? Other ideas?

    Same. First grew PTT 20 years ago, and still throw some seed out in mixes most years. Have never verified a deer munching on a bulb. They will nibble on the greens once the weather gets cold, but only nibbles.
  6. F

    Tractor Cab or No Cab

    Amen to that. At my place, I spend a ridiculous number of hours each year keeping my access trails wide enough to get my modest tractor through. Last season I dropped over two grand on hiring a guy with a forestry mulcher to widen spots I wasn't ambitious enough to tackle.
  7. F

    RR sugarbeets

    My recollection it was 2#/a. A one pound bag was good for 1/2a. The best plots I did were seeded with about 1.25# SB and 30# RR soys, rototilled, broadcast, lightly tilled again, cultipacked, and two subsequent RU applications.
  8. F

    The Sweet Clover Thread

    Does YBSC go dormant in the winter, or otherwise turn brown? One thing I like about my white clovers is their winter performance - they’re still green, the deer are hooving through the snow like fiends for it now.
  9. F

    Ordering a 606NT and need some help

    Bumping up - with a 606NT, if you were using it to plant on heavy dirt, with maximum residue to cut through, which press wheels and coulter types are recommended? I'll probably go with weight brackets just in case.
  10. F

    Pros and Cons of Manual vs Hydrostatic

    Depends how you plan on using your tractor. If you seldom do loader work, nothing wrong with gears. My JD 990 is old school gears, and with some skills, bush hogging, implement swapping, and any other chores not involving switching frequently from forward to reverse and back, it becomes...
  11. F

    Tractor Cab or No Cab

    The only time I wish I had a cab are on hot days when I'm running the bush hog for hours on end. Other than that - I'm jumping on and off my tractor a lot, go through a number of tight spots, and am convinced I'm better off cabless. I do have a canopy that keeps the sun off of me (and even...
  12. F

    Another Neighbor Thread

  13. F

    Plots for hunting, or plots for deer food?

    Looks beautiful. Even the hairy vetch LOL. I had some hairy vetch invade one of my clover plots many years ago, I presume from a contaminated seed mix. It was aggressive, the deer didn't eat it, and it took me years to eradicate it (and the birdsfoot trefoil from that same nasty mix) from...
  14. F

    Another Neighbor Thread

    For many years, I leased rowcrop ground out to a neighboring farmer. He was (and is) one of the ilk to plant every last inch, to the point of encroaching on public roads. He encroached on some of my CRP ground, "stealing" about three feet more each year. Eventually. the USDA discovered this...