Recent content by FarmerDan

  1. FarmerDan

    Trees pruned to fit in shipping box

    From a botanical point of view how plants, especially trees, respond to damage is a fascinating subject for me. All plants have hormones directing growth and response to environmental situations. Plant breeders have capitalized on their understanding of this to develop better species varieties...
  2. FarmerDan

    Green cover summer release and fall release pics.

    I don't know. Seed always gets the blame when it doesn't germinate but I never believed it, not a 100% failure. You "planted" 700 lbs which is about 12 million seeds and I don't think birds are the answer either. I could buy lack of moisture at a critical germination time - if it wasn't rye...
  3. FarmerDan

    Green cover summer release and fall release pics.

    That's really curious. Did you spray this field before you planted? Was the seed certified? Or was it just bin-run?
  4. FarmerDan

    Conspiracy theorys, where do you stand?

    All government is legalized corruption. Both parties, more so which ever one is in power. I just don't understand why either party embraces the characters they do. What's the answer? I don't know but I know the lemmings fell into the sea.
  5. FarmerDan

    Conspiracy theorys, where do you stand?

    Where do I stand? I don't know. After reading all of the posts I became agitated. My first reaction was to wonder how such a fine group of people have such dim views. I wanted to understand what constitutes a conspiracy theory. I found many explanations, so many it would be easy to pick one...
  6. FarmerDan

    Two wheel drive tractors

    I guess I don't have a lot to add except to say the same things in a different way. As a kid I didn't know there were 4wd tractors. One reason is a couple tractors only had three wheels! But that's besides the point. In production ag decades ago we had fewer acres of cropland and could wait...
  7. FarmerDan

    Soil test results

    Rather amazing results for an old pasture where no fertilizer has (apparently?) been applied. I am not accustomed to working with excess levels of nutrients.
  8. FarmerDan

    Pre-Emergent Herbicide prior to June Buckwheat

    I think I understand your visions. If I do the answer to your question is "no." Here's what I hear. New ground. Lime the end of April and a buckwheat planting sometime in June. Is it that you want a herbicide to stop any weeds from growing from the time you apply the lime until you can...
  9. FarmerDan

    JD 7000 corn planter to no till

    As we all know growing corn needs a lot of nutrients. Best practice has different rates of application at different times after (or before) planting. Arguably, nitrogen is the most limiting nutrient. The idea is that a large amount of N should be applied at the time of the corn plants fastest...
  10. FarmerDan

    Perennial Plot Questions

    Yes I would be surprised if the clover rebounds. But in a thin stand over 5 years old there's not much to lose.
  11. FarmerDan

    Perennial Plot Questions

    I don't like recommending gly on clover. I do it, but only at certain times of the year and with certain circumstances. IMOX is a better choice for all situations and all seasons.
  12. FarmerDan

    Do you remember it being colder

    It's difficult to separate period shifts in climate from long term changes. It's proved to be near impossible in this discussion. One might quibble about the mathematical methods used to determine such things. I do it But at the end of it I know I am just wasting my time, After listening...
  13. FarmerDan

    Frost seeding/over seeding timing?

    I have only rarely frost seeded clovers. So, there's that. I do a lot of reading and research. It has led me to conclude I don't want to frost seed anything else. But, the experience of others, as I read it, says it's possible. Diving a little deeper it would seem if seeds like alfalfa and...
  14. FarmerDan

    Frost seeding/over seeding timing?

    Derek, my following comments are just for consideration of all. It's not directed to you. I find I need to offer disclaimers like this because some take my general comments personal and I don't mean for it to be that way. Often questions from sharp contributors like you trigger a thought I...
  15. FarmerDan

    Dogs and vaccines

    The only things certain in life are death and taxes. There's always a chance you can do nothing and still die a wealthy man but the chances are slim - and you will still need to pay the taxes. In your lifetime If you own a hundred dogs (or a thousand) and do not vaccinate a couple will...