Recent content by Badgers80

  1. Badgers80

    Ohio Farm Tours

    That definitely helps! Thank you. I did an initial sample in 2023 on a new food plot with a probe but think I went a little deeper than 6” which isn’t what you want per your help. I’ll likely do another sample of the plot this year and see how the soil has changed after a couple amendments...
  2. Badgers80

    Ohio Farm Tours

    Do you take the full soil amount up to your 6” mark on the probe from the bottom to the mark? Obviously there’s 6” of difference in the soil, so curious if that is considered or not.
  3. Badgers80

    Crep/crp question (CP4D)

    The permanent piece refers to the CP4D practice - it’s intended to create permanent habitat but not be in a permanent easement. If you Google CP4D, it intends to create permanent wildlife habitat for landowners through this practice since that CRP practice can contain native grasses, shrubs...
  4. Badgers80

    Let’s talk taxes

    No problem 👍🏼 Hope you get help with the plan. Timber would be a nice source of income if you have the goods.
  5. Badgers80

    Let’s talk taxes

    Yes, good add! Took the question for face value, but all of those are good to write off against the income.
  6. Badgers80

    Let’s talk taxes

    I don’t have any prior knowledge of timber tax, but I looked it up now to try to help. All of what I’m seeing confirms your thinking: that you’d want a discounted cash flow analysis to show that the expected future harvest income compared to your annual expenses and harvest expenses would result...
  7. Badgers80

    Let’s talk taxes

    If you’re renting it out, no. You’re a passive participant. If you farm it, yes, but see the discussion on the hobby loss rules.
  8. Badgers80

    Let’s talk taxes

    🤣 Well thank you much. And they say tax can’t be entertaining! Good comment on the bonus depreciation for the tractor, too. You’re a natural!
  9. Badgers80

    Let’s talk taxes

    Thanks for the background 👍🏼 I’m on board with you on material participation there. Even though you’re not physically working the land, you’re involved in major decisions (what to plant, fertilizer, etc.), you share in the income and expenses, and you have control/risk in that you sell your...
  10. Badgers80

    Let’s talk taxes

    Can you help me understand the situation a bit more? Have a tax background so might be able to help. -In this crop share, would you foot the bill with the farmer with input expenses (fertilizer, seed, lime, etc)? And you’d share in the profit. -Sounds like the farmer would be doing 100% of...
  11. Badgers80

    source for red Milo

    What about just a bag of cheap, mixed bird seed? I know Walmart has a 40 lb economy, red colored bag that is like $15 that contains a majority of red milo seed.
  12. Badgers80

    Winke Gave Up On ROD

    Yeah, I was kind of surprised by that. He mentions his high deer density as well. I would think they he would know better than to not cage or try to do some brush protection at least. Set himself up for that.
  13. Badgers80

    Trailcam pics

    I think you’ll be right! Nice buck there Here’s a rooster out enjoying himself on a winter afternoon. Strolling along and clucking his head off.