Recent content by Angus 1895

  1. Angus 1895

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    What I was told two weeks ago was…..the best days in the Stock Market tend to be really close in timeline with the worst days. Also after 10 years of performance data, very few if any money management guys/ teams can beat the raw data of the market. I also have been told that if all the...
  2. Angus 1895

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    Anyone know why ZIM is down? The way I read the earnings…….it should be zooming!
  3. Angus 1895

    fishing reports

    I was always taking sticklebacks outta the minnow bucket and putting them in my Aquarium.
  4. Angus 1895

    fishing reports

    The advantage of ice fishing is where else can you guarantee your bait placement is exactly where you want it? Your beverages are Always Cold! The fish are immediately iced down. The disadvantages are it’s cold, on smaller resivoirs with water flowing in can make it hard to get on the ice...
  5. Angus 1895

    fishing reports

    This was taken at the dam. Not nearly as many natives, but a few brookies.
  6. Angus 1895

    fishing reports

    I wish I had protected my skin from the sun this last trip. We went to the headwaters and got into mostly natives.
  7. Angus 1895

    Native tree seedling starting

    I got some red oaks from the liberty lake Washington best western parking lot. Some white oaks found near Idaho Falls. Some sugar maples from Bozeman. I also got some un sprouted ( yet ) white oaks from Bozeman.
  8. Angus 1895

    fishing reports

    I see catfish connection sells them. I might get me some!
  9. Angus 1895

    fishing reports

    Can they run underwater? Might be good for icefishing
  10. Angus 1895

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    My neighbor works for the forestry department in eastern Idaho. She told me a few years back NO ONE would bid on their lumber sales. We don’t need no Canadian lumber IMO
  11. Angus 1895

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    I hope they get to cutting USA lumber! I’m sick of choking on it when it’s burning up in the summer!
  12. Angus 1895

    fishing reports

    Can you demonstrate a yo-yo rig please? Thanks
  13. Angus 1895

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    I’m increasing my position in Gilead today. Even though it’s P/E is crazy high Fidelity lists it as very undervalued?
  14. Angus 1895

    Politics-I'm out

  15. Angus 1895

    Politics-I'm out

    Personally I find putting my thoughts in written format helps me with clarity. I also don’t take views of others on the internet Personally.