Forks for tractor - bucket mount or independent?

Would a 4-way bucket be able to grab logs? Maybe a grapple bucket? Are forks the best thing to use? I would think being able to clamp down on what you're moving might be safer?

Good points...but I see myself using the forks to lift the subject log about 2' off of the ground and onto the sled for the saw to then take over. I plan on dragging the logs out behind the tractor if they are of any size. Therefore, I feel like the forks will be sufficient, but...I haven't ruled out a grapple bucket either. :)
Bought a quick attach independent set of forks for my JD 4300 a few years back. Only regret was not buying them sooner. Had. On idea how much more useful they were than the bucket. 90% of the time it’s forks and not bucket.
I have an EZ boardwalk junior sawmill. The forks are really nice for using around the mill.
Check out Titan for your attachments,i bought a set of forks from them.I had a set of clamp ons and the first time I used them they had to go to a welder to get beefed up,needless to say I would sell them now just because I have the forks
Look at Fall Line Ridge on YouTube. You need a grapple for use with your sawmill. Maybe you could manage with only forks, but I envision premature damage to the mill.
Check out Titan for your attachments,i bought a set of forks from them.I had a set of clamp ons and the first time I used them they had to go to a welder to get beefed up,needless to say I would sell them now just because I have the forks

I have also bought a few items from Titan and been happy with the quality.
Just to complete the loop...I bought a pair of "independent" forks for my tractor today, not the clamp onto the bucket kind. Appreciate the advice here, it was helpful. Thank you.
Dave you're going to like those a lot. I just keep them on often when bushhogging in case I see something to push or whatnot. They were over by our hunting farm this fall when we broke the bottom of the lower auger on the grain cart. Loader came in handy.
