Cedar trees need protection?


5 year old buck +
Do cedars seedlings need fenced? I just bought some and will be planting them when they arrive? Also is there any reason to get more fruit trees? I have seven apples in one area and 7 apple/pears about 100 yards away,
I was just going to plant them as screening
You do not want to plant cedar trees near apple trees. Search cedar apple rust and you will know why.
Good info ty
Cedars don’t need any protection the deer don’t browse them that I’ve ever seen. I would agree not to plant apples and cedars together unless you plant only cedar apple rust resistant apple tree verities. The problem with this advice is I suspect the definition of “together” in this instance is probably several miles not the other side of the field or even 40 acres for that matter. Red cedar can be a great cover tree but if l where in an area that didn’t have them I wouldn’t plant them particularly if I had apple trees already. I would plant something else. As far as should you plant more my advice as far as that goes is always yes but I have a real problem with planting things. In reality your fruit tree orchard of 14 trees is pretty good sized and will bring a good many deer into that area for the better part of the fall months if the fruit tree verities drop times are pretty varied and they are semi standard or standard size trees. If it’s 14 trees of only two kinds of trees well then the deer will be thick for a shorter time period. My area in Kansas has many red cedar so I only plant cedar apple rust resistant trees. My property in Wisconsin is in apple country they grow like weeds up there and I would never even consider planting eastern red cedar. We do have some naturally occurring northern white cedar up there however.
Great info. I was able to cancel the order on the cedars. The guy was nice enough to agree to cancel. I have multiple varieties of apples (probably about 5 different), and then only one kind of pear (4 trees). I believe the wife is getting me three persimmon trees as well, ones that don’t drop until November.
If they are red cedar, deer leave them alone. If white cedar, they will get heavy deer browsing.
Red Cedar are the "Keith Richard" of the forest............

Correct me if I am wrong but Northern White Cedar are an arborvitae and don't effect apples with CAR like Red Cedars do? If memory serves CAR is exclusive to the Juniper family which is only red cedars. (my memory doesn't always serve) :emoji_sunglasses:
If ERC are under 5-6 feet in my area, they will often experience heavy "rubs' on occasion. Usually doesn't kill them unless broken off or lifted out of ground (very small, newly planted cedars).
I would bet there are other red cedars withing a mile of you so it would hurt to plant them for a screen if you planted cedar apple rust resistant apples.I would always plant CAR resistant apples and fire blight resistant pears.I you didn't it will spot your apple tree leaves and maybe the apples but for wildlife they should be fine.Fire blight is different if you start getting limbs that turn black and curve like a shepards hook cut them and burn but it will probably eventually kill the pears then replace with resistant trees.
I’m going to be different. Protect the ERC leader with metal window screen and a stapler. Staple the screen over the leader.

The deer did not eat my seeding cedars. They pulled every last one of them up for a taste and then spit them on the ground :emoji_rage:
I would hope some metal screen might deter that.
To say we have a healthy number of (eastern red) cedars is an understatement.. No evidence of browse or ever pulling them out. Although they are #1 preferred tree to rub on, around here. Typically doesn't kill the tree however.
To say we have a healthy number of (eastern red) cedars is an understatement.. No evidence of browse or ever pulling them out. Although they are #1 preferred tree to rub on, around here. Typically doesn't kill the tree however.
I wonder if they like to rub cedars because the smaller - scratchy - credars rub back? The small cedars are kind of prickly, so to speak; don't know ... maybe only a wild guess. :emoji_thinking:
If you plant them in taller grass they probably won't bother them.
I wonder if they like to rub cedars because the smaller - scratchy - credars rub back? The small cedars are kind of prickly, so to speak; don't know ... maybe only a wild guess. :emoji_thinking:

Great question. I'm not sure to be honest.. Could be the odor, but we know they rub other tree types so I don't believe that's it.

My theory is more from the visual landmark (this tree looks different than the rest here..), much like a scrape on the ground or even a dog marking a lamp post in a neighborhood.
They need protection if I plant them. If they come up on their own they don't.