Wolves showed up on the property.

Not to beat a dead horse, but to answer the OP question about how his hunting will be? It will really depend on how long the wolves stay in your area. Are they just passing through, or are they making it their home area. If they are making it their home area, they will pretty much kill, or chase away every deer in your area, and the few that remain will be nocturnal. If they are just passing through, the deer may change their behavior for a couple days. I may sound all doom and gloom about hunting with wolves, but I have shot my largest bucks off of my land when the wolves were in the area. But there were NO other deer there at all. Normal years I will see 10 plus a day or more, when the wolves were around, 2-3 total in 9 days. I have been running 6+ game cameras year around on my land, when no wolves are around, I will get thousands of pictures a month, when the wolves are around, I will get about 3 deer a week for months. So to answer your question, it will negatively affect your hunting, deer, and other wildlife.
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