Wickson Crab and Golden Russet CAR


5 year old buck +
Hey guys, all I can find online is that these trees have some susceptibility to CAR. Does anyone have any more info for me? I do have a lot of cedars near the orchard.
I have a golden russet on standard rootstock that is 6 years old, but hasn't produced any fruit yet. The tree is growing within 30 yards of big red cedars and seems to be doing fine though. I have red cedars growing near all of my apple trees in SE MN and none of them seem to be impacted dramatically by CAR. Some have more spots on their leaves than others, but it doesn't seem to impact their overall growth too much.

I would roll the dice and plant them both.
Hey guys, all I can find online is that these trees have some susceptibility to CAR. Does anyone have any more info for me? I do have a lot of cedars near the orchard.

I don't kow about the Golden Russet, but the Wickson is susceptible to CAR. In spite of it's appearance, the tree itself seems to be doing fine when planted to the camp orchard. You can use this information as you see fit, but it's not a slam-dunk decison to abandon planting a Wickson. Good luck.

2017 07-31  Wikson crab show Cedar Rust suseptibility.JPG
Our Wickson appears clean - so far - but I'll keep an eye on it.
Thanks! What about Roxbury Russet? I read they are susceptible to CAR on the Purdue extension list, but then I read they have some resistance to CAR on other sites. Anybody know if I should still plant them with cedars next to the orchard?
^^^ We don't have a Roxbury Russet, so I can't help you with that one. Maybe some of the other guys have it or can answer your question.
Thanks! What about Roxbury Russet? I read they are susceptible to CAR on the Purdue extension list, but then I read they have some resistance to CAR on other sites. Anybody know if I should still plant them with cedars next to the orchard?
I have No experience with Roxbury russet, but I planted about 40 apple trees on my land without paying any attention to cedar Apple rust resistance. I have cedars within 50 yards of every apple tree here and none of them seem to be dramatically impacted by it. Some have more spots in their leaves than others, but they are growing well and many have started dropping apples already

IF an Apple looks like it might meet your goals I wouldn't let cedar rust stop me from giving it a shot.

I grew up hunting a farm with a wild Apple orchard and lots of red cedars. I can say with certainty the cedar rust didn't bother the deer at all on those trees.
I'll throw out the opposite view. There are plenty of apples that can help meet your goals and we have incomplete info on many of these. When you have info that a variety IS susceptible to a disease you are concerned about, why not move it from the "Plant Now" list to "Plant Later If I Still Got Room" list? Yes, deer might like Roxbury Russet just fine but they won't miss it if you plant something else.
Haus, post #5 - I posted ( on the 2019 scion exchange thread ! ) a source to check for info on Roxbury Russet and many other apples. www.orangepippintrees.com has all kinds of info on it's site. Click "Apples" in the right hand column, then scroll down to Roxbury Russet. It gives disease resistance for Rox. Russet if you scroll down through, along with other traits.
Thanks! What about Roxbury Russet? I read they are susceptible to CAR on the Purdue extension list, but then I read they have some resistance to CAR on other sites. Anybody know if I should still plant them with cedars next to the orchard?

It grows pretty clean for me. I've never noticed any significant CAR and I'm in CAR Hell.
Thanks! What about Roxbury Russet? I read they are susceptible to CAR on the Purdue extension list, but then I read they have some resistance to CAR on other sites. Anybody know if I should still plant them with cedars next to the orchard?

It grows pretty clean for me. I've never noticed any significant CAR and I'm in CAR Hell.


Same club as me.

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