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White pine growth


5 year old buck +
I few years ago I planted a bunch of white pine bare root trees in the spring, they were about 18-24 inches during planting. Well they all looked good going into fall, then the deer hammered them, because I didnt protect them. I thought they were all goners, well a couple weeks ago, I found about 15 of them that were still alive, but the tops were chomped off of them, and they were only about a foot tall. My question, will these ever grow into anything? Should I just replant? They were randomly planted throughout my land, in no particular areas, just added them were I had thin spots, and the sun shined in.
They will grow new central leader(s). Pick the best one and remove the others. Fold a piece of tagboard over the central leader and staple it in place to keep the deer from eating it fall to spring.

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I have found that when planting white pine numbers are your best friend. I planted 2K white pines in the late 1990s. The majority of the white pines were planted in 6'x6' rows in one spot. About 100 were planted as fill ins here and there on my land. I did nothing special to protect any of them. The rows of white pine were left alone. I had 95% survival there and today they are over 35 feet tall. I am attributing this to plain and simple luck on my part. The scattered white pines were sandwiched by the deer during a particularly snowy winter. They had grown 5-7 feet tall by the time the deer ate several years growth off of them. They survived but look shabby.
As to your question, I would advise replanting.
The easiest way to protect your white pines is to plant every other row with oak trees ... they will eat all your oaks and hardly bother your pines, trust me :emoji_disappointed_relieved:.
I planted 500 of them. But like I said they were just randomly spread in thin spots throughout my land. In patches of 5 to 7 trees on a bunch, of about 10 feet apart. I may go back this spring and plant Norway spruce, which was what I originally was going to plant, but found a great deal on the white pines.
They will come back but will be set back several years trying to recover and look a little funky for a while until the central leader gets going. White pines grow perpendicular to gravity (not towards light like deciduous trees) so it takes them longer to bounce back as they only have one direction the central leader will grow. I'd protect the few you have left and plant norways in the spring :emoji_wink: