Turkey vs Hawk - turkey wins


5 year old buck +

Pretty sure hawk was trying to get some young ones!

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Cool pics. It is amazing what folks get on trail cams.
Very cool! I think about everything tries to eat turkeys..guess that's why they act so jumpy.

I get hawks on camera a couple times a year, usually after squirrels or bunnies, got this one early this past spring.

years ago i came upon a site in a field edge where a hawk had obviously found a brood of poult's and picked them off one by one tiny fuzzy feather all over that field where it had grabbed em one by one and satin the trees above the field eating them...gruesome......I've also walked up on a hen with young poult's before and watched her give me the ole wounded wing trick to lure my attention away from her hiding poult's...pretty impressive for an animal with a brain the size of a walnut