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My box stand build. Getting an early start!


5 year old buck +
I said the heck with waiting till the August heat to get some work done. This is what me and my two boys got done today. I think it's off to a good start !
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I jumped a big buck the day after season in the spot that I'm going to put this stand. I was planting trees and walking around and looking at some of my trees when he jumped up. It made me sick. I decided that day I was going to build a stand to overlook this spot. This picture was taken in winter and is already a lot thicker now. The picture was taken the day I jumped the buck.
What's the plan for the base on this?
What's the plan for the base on this?
Im going to put 4x6 post under it ,but its only going to be up about 5 or 6 ft off the ground. You cant tell too much in the picture ,but its on the top of a hill so the stand dont have to be high off ground. I should get a couple years looking into the growth and then after that i will have a couple of long lanes to look down.
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Looks good. Can't wait to see the finish project.
Looks good! No sure of the age of your boys but enjoy it while they are young because as they get older they have their own stuff to do.
Looks good! No sure of the age of your boys but enjoy it while they are young because as they get older they have their own stuff to do.
I have been told that before.I actually have three boys(14,11,and5)
So far I have some good
Almost got it!
My 5yr old had to paint too. He came running outside with his artist
We got a lot of rain the last few days so had to cancel putting the stand in the woods. Looks like it will be another month till I can get it in place with my help being able to show up also.

So much for the early start, but even getting it done at the end of June will still be in plenty of time.
Don't forget to paint the inside of your blind. Really dark color on the inside really helps to cammo your silhouette. I have mixed a super dark green and black for our blinds. I usually find mis-mixed paints for cheap at the paint stores......and custom blend to get a reasonable outcome.
Don't forget to paint the inside of your blind. Really dark color on the inside really helps to cammo your silhouette. I have mixed a super dark green and black for our blinds. I usually find mis-mixed paints for cheap at the paint stores......and custom blend to get a reasonable outcome.
Thanks...I think I will do that.
Keep us updated. How do you plan on elevating it with the posts? Shawdow hunter elevators or something else?
the base is made out of 2x6 so I'm going to lay stand on side and lag bolt and screw 4x6 post in each corner of the inside of the base and then crossbrace it up real strong and lean it back upright again. It's not going to be tall at all.
It's only going to be five feet off ground. It's on a hill so don't have to be tall.
Just tall enough to have good sight and that's it.

I usually put a couple post in the ground concreted in next to the leg post and bolt together to hold it steady in case bad weather or settling of the ground or such.