Iowa Bucks

I am glad I did not

This buck is only a 3 year old. We have his sheds the past two years

Crazy. This is what a 5 yr old looks like in my neck of the woods!
That's the kind of deer I would like to be seeing right now but NOT. Awesome, and thanks for sharing those pictures.
Please name the 3rd one Poseidon...It's my dream to get a buck with triple tines that look like a trident, what a stud!!
All I can say is WOW!!!
My wife would throw me out of the house if I had those on my camra . Cause I would talk about them 24/7.
Good luck this yr .
No long arming needed!!!!!!
Please name the 3rd one Poseidon...It's my dream to get a buck with triple tines that look like a trident, what a stud!!

He is a great buck. We have pictures and sheds of him. He beds in the same nasty thick spot every year. I had him close last year while bow hunting but he chased a doe past my blind... No shot.

He's smart, maybe I can get him someday??
Best of luck!! keep us posted!