I have a great feeling about today!


5 year old buck +
Today is the second day in April that I have woken up and did not have snow on the ground. Yes, there is a hefty layer of frost on the ground and it is 24 degrees outside, but there is no snow on the ground! Spring may finally be here. Here’s to soon-to-be green grass and swollen buds!
I'm with you!! I have a commitment to help a buddy who got a new heart last winter put docks in at his marina this morning, then more commitments this afternoons, but this evening the chains come off the ATV and tomorrow there's stuff going in the ground!
I planted 4 trees last week spur and all my trees are still sleeping which is a good thing
Here is what we looked like 2 days ago (April 19th) - but we now have highs in the 50's and lows in the 20's-30's so I will be doing some frost-seeding of clovers in clover strips I planted last fall to thicken them up. Should be a great week for that.

Snow is beginning to melt so I will also get my pruning done on fruit trees this week. Picked up some dormant oil spray to spray as soon as I'm done pruning.

Our tree orders have been delayed for a week but will be here May 4-5 so tree planting will have to wait until then. I envy you guys who already have yours planted but it is what it is...zone 4b here.

Almost all of our snow melted yesterday here with 50+ deg temps, supposed to be around 60 today. I picked up my apple trees on thurs. so if the grounds not froze in the orchard I'll be planted them today.
Almost all of our snow melted yesterday here with 50+ deg temps, supposed to be around 60 today. I picked up my apple trees on thurs. so if the grounds not froze in the orchard I'll be planted them today.

We actually hit 60 yesterday Scott, and it is supposed to be more of the same for the next week. Snow is melting rapidly but with the cool nights it should prevent all the flooding we had last year. Good luck getting your trees in the ground today.
Wildthing - Pic in post #4 - That snow is good for one thing ........... late winter scouting. See where the deer are hiding out after the hunting season and the woods have quieted down. Good knowledge for the future.
We actually hit 60 yesterday Scott, and it is supposed to be more of the same for the next week. Snow is melting rapidly but with the cool nights it should prevent all the flooding we had last year. Good luck getting your trees in the ground today.
Glad to hear that, I've got a place on ford river north of you and couldn't do much as most ground was under water
@chummer whats it like at your place right now?
@chummer whats it like at your place right now?
65 last two days. Snow is out of the fields as of today. Still some in woods. Rain the next two days should take care of most of it. I am going up Saturday to plant 4 trees I didn't not have root trapper bags for. Time to open things up, get the water on, and figure out what damage 6 months of snow coverage did. I also have a few mature trees I released last year that need some trimming, see what the day brings.