Glysophate or Something Stronger?

Victor Van Meter

5 year old buck +
I am trying to clear out about 1/3 acre of multi floral rose and other brush for a food plot. I sprayed it with 41% glysophate concentrate at the 3 ounce per gallon and it didn’t seem to make a dent on killing it. Is there something stronger I should try or just use a stronger mix of the gly? Thanks for the help.

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MFR drinks gly for breakfast. You will need something a good bit stronger. Banvel (Dicamba) or Crossbow(triclopyr and 2-4,D) applied to foliage or mow it and treat the cut stumps with Tordon RTU or Garlon 3A and diesel fuel.
That is what I was afraid of. I will try to get the weed eater and chainsaw in there and start clearing. Can’t get any other equipment to the spot. Thanks for the info.

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Borrow a goat. They chow on the stuff.
That is what I was afraid of. I will try to get the weed eater and chainsaw in there and start clearing. Can’t get any other equipment to the spot. Thanks for the info.

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I like to use a pole pruner if I need to cut MFR. The pole allows you to reach into large bushes without needing a blood transfusion and the "hook" part of the pruner can be used to grab the crap and drag it out of the way. I'm talking about a pole pruner (or pole loper), I'm NOT meaning to use a pole saw.