DIY Herbicide Kill Stick

I fooled around with making one a few years ago ordered some bingo daubers even and decided it wasn’t my thing. I think if you lived in a subdivision and wanted to kill dandelions in a very small yard this might be the greatest thing in the world for me not so much.
I tried to make a weed wiper like that once using a tee and rope for the wick. Failed miserably. The sponge might be better.
Like with everything it's important to use the right tool for the given situation. I use a rope wick applicator often. I am not a builder of things. Murphy had me in mind when he said whatever can go wrong will go wrong. I think the idea presented in the video is sound but I don't like the idea of a depending on a shutoff value for controlling flow of herbicide to a sponge. It seems leaky to me. The applicators you can buy has no valve and I don't know why they don't leak but I have never had the problem. I think a lot of it depends on the kind of rope used and the plumbing principles used to build the reservoir. The viscosity of the liquid is also important I believe. I only use glyphosate at 1:1, herbicide to water. I will depend on the commercial varieties. They have been tested and they work. They come in various widths. Some are hand held to tractor mounted.