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Chufa part 2


5 year old buck +
July 10 chufa fully canopied with no substantial competition. Vegetative growth appx 4ft long but stands 2-3ft tall.

By early August a new flush of ragweed and foxtail came through which I didnt see fit to spray seeing as the chufa was 70 some days into its 90-100 day growing cycle. Once mid to late September came the chufa tops turn yellow and brown which is normal when they are completed in underground growth.

Sept 11. Brush hogged weeds and chufa tops

Final product roughly 1-3 plants per square foot with a tennis ball to softball size tuber cluster per plant. Appx 90k sq ft in plot=lot of food 20210801_183113.jpg20210801_181007.jpg20210821_162339.jpgScreenshot_20210821-222645_Photos.jpg

As of writing this post 12.9.21. The turkeys have been hitting the chufa and it is still high quality. Hopefully the freezing and thawing won't degrade the tubers before spring and hopefully the turkeys dont wipe them out. My farm is split in two by a large valley. I planted this chufa on the northern side where I seldom see turkeys and I'm currently holding lots birds on both sides. Also dont know of its coincidence but the total number of birds had almost doubled. 30+ bird flocks were the norm but counted a 60+ flock a week ago.

Only time will tell as far as spring bird numbers and survivability through the freeze will add part 3 when it warms up.


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I love the quality of that root mass/soil in above photo

As SwampCat mentioned earlier,feral hogs would completely demolish,destroy ANY efforts to plant Chufa based on the appearance of those tubers

I love the quality of that root mass/soil in above photo

As SwampCat mentioned earlier,feral hogs would completely demolish,destroy ANY efforts to plant Chufa based on the appearance of those tubers

Yeah man those things are eating machines but they are fun to hunt
With 2 acres, you should have some left come turkey season but they are going to try and eat it all. You will not be able to take a step out there without stepping in turkey poop.

I’m in the same situation as some of the others. Hogs everywhere now so no use trying to grow it.
That is pretty darn cool.

Wish I had some land near a population of wild turkeys. My uncle has turkeys on his land, but he would never agree to a chufa plot.