Canada ducks


A friend invited me to Manitoba for an early duck hunt. We hunted two mornings which was plenty. It’s work!

First morning was ok for early season. Second morning we were met with perfect duck conditions. Misty, low clouds, temps in the high 30’s and enough wind to help hide movement in the reeds and put the ducks where you wanted them.

4 guys limited. 31 Bluebills, a golden eye and a low flying Canadian goose.

I’ll never admit how many spent shells were on the ground after that. ;)

Nice. Ive been to manitoba on a duck hunt 15 years ago. We were in Stonewall.
Blue Bills, yummy! No puddle ducks?
Fun! Thats good to see that the bluebills still exist somewhere. I have lots of memories of days like that in MN with my dad and grandpa back in the good ol' days!
Nice! Canada has some really good waterfowling and liberal limits.
A good bluebill shoot is the greatest!!!! Nice work on them!!!
First time in 15 years that I won't be making the trip to Manitoba. I am really going to miss the field hunting for ducks and geese up there. I still get to chase them in MN though.
We saw some puddle ducks but they weren’t as thick as the bluebills.
I count at least 21 pepper back drakes in there, well done!!