Ask the Experts-Live Chat with WI DNR starts at noon today.........


5 year old buck +
This live chat session starts at noon today and is titled "Available Tags and Where to Hunt" for the upcoming season. If you have any questions on tag usage, tags available for your area, Zone designations, etc. log in and ask the panel of DNR personnel that are logged in to answer your questions.
I dam near had a heart attack when I read that!

Thought it said live chat with MN DNR, but we all know that would never happen!!!!
I dam near had a heart attack when I read that!

Thought it said live chat with MN DNR, but we all know that would never happen!!!!
Sorry Mo, your DNR has to care at least a tiny bit about the deer herd and deer hunters to host something like this. I bet MO would do stuff like this if enough guys were interested in receiving information this way!
Sorry Mo, your DNR has to care at least a tiny bit about the deer herd and deer hunters to host something like this. I bet MO would do stuff like this if enough guys were interested in receiving information this way!

Missouri doesn't have too, we run a 100 DPSM already!
I have participated in the live chat sessions the WI DNR offers and I can say for a fact they are informative and cover a lot of questions about the designated topic. You log on the chat and email your questions. The DNR representatives respond with answers for all online to view. They last for an hour and it goes rather quickly.