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Ag Phd Field Day


5 year old buck +
The bosses wanted me to go check out the Ag Phd field day last week out here. I have always wanted to go, but never had the chance until this year. Talk about a heck of an event! If you're not familiar with it, these guys are a big deal in agriculture meeting TV and in teaching average Joe's like us the advanced topics when it comes to growing things. Here we go...

They had tons of plots on their farm showcasing hybrids, the newest fertilizer treatments, seed treatments, chemicals etc. They were on this mobile podium to share observations and learnings from each plot and why something may not look great. Vendors for each product were set up right in front of their plots will all kinds of signs, gear, trinkets etc.

This is their shop. It's air conditioned and has acoustic steel inside. Apparently it makes it easier on the ears when dropping tools, running engines, or doing a nationally syndicated radio show (which I got to watch live).

The other giant machine shed that was nicer than my apartment. Served a few thousand people lunch in about 25 minutes. It was epic to see a well run outfit like this.

John Ratzenberger, better known as "Cliff" from cheers also came out for the day. He was largely just an attraction, but he had some great points to make about the state of things and such.

Also got to sit through a soil testing seminar with Brian Hefty himself. It was very informative. I didn't learn a ton from it, but it was neat just to listen to him speak about his soils and how they're addressing issues they've got. He even told a story where he's trying 1400lbs/acre of potassium to try to fight back against high magnesium in his base saturation. The soil lab they use was also there trying to sign up new customers. They had guys use one of their soil probes to practice puling a soil core if they've never done one before. It was funny as hell to watch everyone that did that, walk out of that tent and over to the next tent and buy a soil probe. I mean everyone! (Including me...)

And perhaps the neatest part of the day, Mike Ditka was there as well. He didn't have a whole lot to say about farming either. The crowd took the opportunity to talk football with him quick while he was on the microphone. He had a great point/joke when asked about Tom Brady and deflategate. "Tom Brady could have beaten those guys with a soccer ball!"


Did you meet any nice farm girls or werent there any there??

And who is better Darrin or Bryan?? My bet is Darrin.

And as a non-farmer were they able to convince you that tile is not the evil demon that everyone makes it out to be??
Brian isn't so bad in person. He just doesn't know how to get his points in. Darren clearly led the conversation about what was going on with the plots in terms of treatments, weeds etc. There were tons of good looking women there attached to up and coming farmers. Better than any county fair I've been to. Saw lots of people from the immediate area, and lots of people from all around the midwest, south, south east, and even some from the northeast and California.
They had the two top guys from Monsanto there to do outreach with the crowd. They talked about the third leg in the hybrid revolution being the microbes business and that's what's leading their pursuit of Syngenta. They were also talking that they were getting geared up to roll out RR 2 Extend Soybeans. I don't think they are there yet, but they're close from the sounds of it.
And as a non-farmer were they able to convince you that tile is not the evil demon that everyone makes it out to be??
They touched on that very quickly. The Responsible Nutrient Management Foundation was also there. A simple point was made. It's cleaner to run your water through your soil and into a porous tile instead of across the top where it takes the soil with it as it leaves or down an upright.
Da bear still suck but u gotta love ditka.
1400 of potash:confused:
Looks like a fun and informative day, and you got paid to!:D
These are the guys, that for years were telling everyone on tv you can get by with a half rate of this and a half rate of that. All it did was speed up the time that weeds took to build up resistance. Big no no in the industry. Lots of guys are paying the price on their farms now.

They are the dog and pony specialists! Great if your into free meals to get you to buy there stuff!
They've got a hand in just about every wing of ag from what I can tell. Sometimes it's almost like a fishing show with how fast they rattle off all the different sprays out there to address a problem. It was interesting to hear the talk of superweeds on their way north, and some of the horror stories from down south.
These are the guys, that for years were telling everyone on tv you can get by with a half rate of this and a half rate of that. All it did was speed up the time that weeds took to build up resistance. Big no no in the industry. Lots of guys are paying the price on their farms now.

They are the dog and pony specialists! Great if your into free meals to get you to buy there stuff!
Ditka and crew didn't show up outta the kindness of his heart?
There isn't a whole lotta pretty coming from modern day agriculture. Lots of $ to be made though, real healthy too.
Ditka and crew didn't show up outta the kindness of his heart?
There isn't a whole lotta pretty coming from modern day agriculture. Lots of $ to be made though, real healthy too.

You have no Idea the amount of kickbacks that are given to these PHD guys for pimping every heavy hitters products. Their monsanto kickbacks alone are in the millions or 10's of millions.

I refuse to use our local chemical reps because of the 30-50% mark ups, so I am not entitled to received the kickbacks, rebates or whatever they want to call them.