A year for Corn


5 year old buck +
I was at my place this weekend and got the opportunity to walk my foodplots and am astonished how much the deer are hitting my corn. I have 3 acres of corn and next to it 3 acres of soybeans and the deer are completely ignoring the soybeans and eating corn. This seams early to me. Is anybody else seeing deer eating corn already?

Last year I had corn left the next spring but at this point I doubt I’ll have corn by rifle season.
Ignoring the beans for corn right now?

Ignoring the beans for corn right now?


That's what i'm thinking. One big change is there is little corn near me. Last season I was surrounded by corn but still its odd they are mowing down the corn and almost no activity on the beans. Its got me scratching my head. One thing this year is the corn is very dry and maybe that has something to do with it.

Farmers have got to be happy in Minnesota this year. Crops are dry and coming out fast.
Two of my clients have record yields and they they have been at it for many years.
How come the deer are not bedding in your corn field FISH? Is the neighbors corn taller than yours?
I was at my place this weekend and got the opportunity to walk my foodplots and am astonished how much the deer are hitting my corn. I have 3 acres of corn and next to it 3 acres of soybeans and the deer are completely ignoring the soybeans and eating corn. This seams early to me. Is anybody else seeing deer eating corn already?

Last year I had corn left the next spring but at this point I doubt I’ll have corn by rifle season.
Do you have much cover in your area Jerry? They might be in the corn for that reason.
Hey Batman... Bite me!! :D...... I'm a terrible farmer but boy can I raise leopard frogs

Do you have much cover in your area Jerry? They might be in the corn for that reason.
They do enjoy being in the corn as for now my main plot is pretty wide open. Hopefully my evergreens will put on some growth in the next 5 years as that could help.

They were in my corn last year but did not seem to be so focused on it. I should have plenty of beans for awhile and it will be interesting to see when they focus on beans instead of corn.
Are you sure you don't have a pack of coons in your corn?
Are you sure you don't have a pack of coons in your corn?
I never thought of a pack of coons but you never know. I saw allot of deer sign in the corn, the deer are deffinately in the corn. I did not look for coon tracks but will see what I find.

Most of the corn has been eaten right on the stock, not knoked off. The deer are eating from tip to end so all is left is an empty cobb attached to the stock.
Deer have started to be seen on my place since most of the adjoining corn is off.

i hope my foodplots can hold them for a month or so. I have about 4.5 acres of corn/bean plots.
In my area the deer will switch to corn once the beans are yellow. They will stay on the corn until the corn is pretty much gone. Once the crops start to come out the deer get pushed around some. They really like the cover standing corn gives them. The main difference I have seen between deer damage and coon damage is that coons tend to tear the entire stalk down, while deer tend to strip the ear while it's still on the stalk and upright.....not all the time, but more times than not. You will also tend to see remnants of the corn being drug off if it's coons or squirrels.

My corn plots are terrible this year because of all the rain we had and I couldn't get into them for weed control or fertilizer applications. I simply overseed brassica and rye to try to get something productive out of the ground.