4H is for Farmers and Non Farmers!



Friends of ours, are not farmers. Their little daughter was given a bottle calf to raise so she could show it at the fair. I think little Hallie did well with a Grand Champion Ribbon at her county fair! Months and months of work goes into raising these show cattle. Wish more kids would have the opportunity to do this, and the drive this girl did.
I know, this has nothing to do with Habitat, don't care!

I was in 4H & FFA as were my kids. Lot of time goes into this and you have to give the kids and parents credit.
I grew up in a small town and never did the 4H thing, but was in FFA in high school as I loved the outdoors (soils, dairy and forestry where my thing). My folks just sort of shook their head as we didn't have access to a farm but I did pretty well anyway. I love seeing the kids doing almost anything that gets them up off the couch and their face out of some electronic device. My boy did forestry in FFA as well. Not sure if the girls will take to it or not.

Little girl should be proud of herself - takes a lot of responsibility and work to care for animals. Good for her.
She doesn't keep them in air conditioned barns and have them pampered by illegal immigrant works like they do around here.
Since little Molly's dad is also the owner of a huge corporate farm, Molly gets the best price for her champion because daddy is a customer of the guys writing the checks.

I'm not into fh, but I here the complaining. I think it's really neat for your hallie if her parents had her do it the right way, which it sounds they have.
Congrats to Hallie!!

I just read about at the county fair here in NH that the Feds have stepped in and are no longer allowing the kids to sleep in the barns with their animals for health and safety reasons. They've only been doing it for 100+ years with no problems. That happening in other parts of the country?

I hope not...that is ridiculous!

our county fair will be coming up soon in the end of the month. the local school district starts the school year a week later because lots of kids will be absent to attend the fair.
Congrats to the young lady! Good for her! We didn't own a farm, having lived in the sandy, central WI pine barrens, only farming that is viable there is red pine, unless you are going to suck the water table dry with central pivot irrigation structures. Although, I did work on many farms as a youth, both for my friends' families and for farmers that my uncles worked for. Very similar to j-bird, I did belong to FFA, strictly for the soils, forestry, and wildlife management aspect of it and the fact that the FFA Coordinator(Ag teacher) at our high school wanted me on the Ag Mechanics Team because I could rebuild small engines, wire up electric motors, and weld(better than he did and he was the welding instructor at our high school). I had tons of friends that were in both FFA and 4H. Most of those kids grew up to be hard working, contributing members of their community. There are life lessons to be learned and both FFA and 4H are great places to get that knowledge. I didn't show cattle, but I did a little cattle judging back in those days, albeit mostly on dairy cows, and that is a great looking steer. I also agree with phil, the kids not sleeping in the barns...ridiculous! I can just about guarantee that the kids at our county fair will just sneak into the barns anyway after the fair closes for the evening.
This girl was rewarded well for her hard work. I think That steer brought over $3 a pound at the auction.

One thing I did not realize is they now do carcass quality at the slaughter house for a ribbon as well. The kids learn about the grades of beef and how theirs stacks up against other growers. Pretty cool!