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  1. G

    Build a doe factory to create a buck factory

    Wind Gypsy: I was referring to Clover/Alfalfa, especially Alfalfa. Is helpful because it frees up more acreage for Fall/Winter food.....helps keep does (factory lol) and bucks on my land and not leaving for neighbors that provide Fall/Winter food (pretty serious whitetail hunting areas with good...
  2. G

    Build a doe factory to create a buck factory

    One area I feel like the Sturgis' videos have helped me is that I now focus a lot more on fall and winter food sources and severely limit my summer food plots on my Iowa and Illinois farms. I think that is really what he is trying to say IMO. I think he is also trying to set up farms where you...
  3. G

    Pike Co IL

    Just one person's opinion as a data point (most of this info on the market is well known but for what its worth): I've owned hunting land east of Quincy since 1993. Not much if any for sale. Hard to find off-market deals. Land Realtors of which there are many scour the countryside and direct...