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  1. B

    Fruit Tree Spray Frequency

    For folks who use imidan, how do you mix it. I have the leaf blower, but my msture trees are flowering. Is it ok to spray ypung trees wuth no flowers while sone have flowers. About 2/3rds of my young trees are flowerless, but getting hit hard with small black catepillars. I also have neem...
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    Mystery tree

    Where did you get the tree? It's got to be something they offered. IF you have an older picture of the color code they painted on it. Take a picture of the lower part of the tree. Does the tree have a noticeable graft union? This might be part of an experiment I am doing.. M111 rootstock...
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    Crimson Clover tips

    They a one and done seed producing plant? Mow it low when the seed heads are 1/2 way along? I feel medium red is close to being a one seed crop plant, atleast by me in NY. Could be a good last year of the plot thing to do to cut down on seeds if doing no-till.
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    Crimson Clover tips

    KDog, When I nuked, then mowed my foodplot last summer, the voles cames out in droves. Litterally saw hundreds of them. The real idiots who got chopped in the mower and visible were about 30-40 in a 1/3 acre foodplot. I let the rye grow to maturity with mixed clovers. The year before I...
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    2014 Grafting Adventures of CrazyED

    Hope the thread goes another ten years. IT would be nice to see what you planted in 2014. How they're doing now. Maybe hear how your tastes in varieites, rootstocks, and planting techniques changed over the decade. My rootmaker pots are outside as of Wednesday. They're on the edge of my...
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    Spring weeds

    I see my plot everytime I go home. Sprayed gly last week or so. Red aramath was on 1st or 2nd leaf with rye about 8-10 inches tall here in old SDA zone 5 NY. I sprayed a 2nd pass where the aramath was thicker as well as the new expansion of the plot. maybe a 1/10 acre more if that...
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    Crabapple timeline

    The way they describe franklin seems to be best for hard cider. Bittersharp high brix. Find put ifbit makes an ok fresh cider. Likely freeze then press.
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    Crimson Clover tips

    Oldest kid want to do a soil perk test. My hone foodplot days might be numbered. Mid july to early august looks like. Just enough tine to spray and replant for fall. Buckwheat then fall plot will be too tight. Always next year maybe.
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    Scion length

    Bought a sundance on M7 this spring. Took 8 inches off the top. Now I got (3) sundances on M111. Buying trees and doing the cages, weedmats, and soil right cuts off 2 if not 3 years wait though. Cheap bargain at 25 bucks a tree or so. Less tempted to do shortcuts when they cost ya $25. Most...
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    Crimson Clover tips

    Got her in the dirt before the rain comes. Brownish spot is my new expansion into the lawn. About 2 pickup dump truck loafs of woodchips this febuary. Spruce trees. Hows clethodim on crimson clover? Upset the annual clovers more? Got perrenisl grass in there still after being a plot maybe...
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    Could use a little here in NY,but not too bad. Watered my new trees for the 2nd time. These are ones at home. General rule for me it no rain in 3 days, new guys get a little water.
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    Crimson Clover tips

    Finally spread about 35lbs/acre on my home plot. Lightly harrowed and rolled. Spots that harrowed deeper I put another pass of clover on it. Those areas may be around 50lbs/acre. The gly spray looked like it was killing some young red aramath. Getting that weed under control is a priority...
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    Gly spray didn't work?

    Finally finished the almost never ending head gasket job on my daughter in laws jeep...... Had a few hours today. Spread crimson clover and then some oats on balder spots and the new plot addition from the lawn. Mowed the plot, lightly harrowed, spread a little more clover on the deeper...
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    Gly spray didn't work?

    Thanks, Sure looks like speedwell. I see it;s yellowing some. This is a common lawn weed, so many places that reference treatment do not say anything about reaction to gly. It is an annual, so gly probably knocks it out with one shot. Not too much experience with spring sprayings. A...
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    Gly spray didn't work?

    Actually, I used a pint of 41% on a 1/2 acre. So, it was a quart an acre. Was very busy ast few days, but noticed some yellowing. Rye is dying. Any clue what weeds are these? Staeting to see more moss. Put a 1/2 ton / acre of pelletized lime in febuary. May put another 1/2 ton in august...
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    Gly spray didn't work?

    Did a 1 pint an acre spray on my home foodplot last week. Even did a double pass on the new little addition. So that got a quart an acre on lawn grass mostly. The rye looks like it didn't miss a beat. Sprayed it around 11am on sunday, so it definitely dried before the night frost / dew...
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    Sethoxydim vs Clethodim

    Toss some nitrogen in that plot. I've planted cereal grains 2 or 3 weeks after using clethodim. Killed the grass portion of what I wanted, but left the sedge behind. Kills perennial rye without bothering my tree plantings. Pretty sure it kills crabgrass too. The issue with clethodim, is...
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    Anyone Plant Persian Clover?

    Think the green cover milpa spread has some in it. I use the milpa as a food plot sweetener. a light spreading of it in the middle of the plot. I have seen it come up in my plots. Don't really see it the next year. Zone 3 sandy soil ph in the low 5';s.
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    Bag spreader

    Clover only, I use the solo 421. LArger seed the earthway 2750. Never used the 3100, but could see that being better than the 2750.. I have broke a gearbox on the earthway, but they sent me a new one for free. I have 2 of the earthways and abuse the snot out of them. Fertilizer and lime in...
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    What is Wrong With My Fuyu Persimmon

    Check around the roots and around the tree in general. Vole damage?