Search results

  1. L

    P18 rootstock - Pros and Cons?

    I see a lot of fusca growing wild, in really marginal places along the AK coast (in pools of water in muskeg and atop bedrock in salty spray...) so the wet-feet-thing can be verified. However they're pretty small diameter, at least the ones I've seen, so I'm doubtful of their robustness. AND, my...
  2. L

    P18 rootstock - Pros and Cons?

    Only experiences are this year's; bought 30-some bareroot p18 sticks. 20-some are in various locations around Cordova, AK. The remaining 8 came to Anchorage, and are ungrafted in the yard here. Mostly posting this to be subsequently reminded to report on later year findings. The trouble with...