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  1. S

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    Speaking of Craziness and Crybabys/Snowflakes The MAGA cult has spoken! Im hoping for your sake you didn't listen to Donald and pull your money from the stock market when Biden won. Donald never helped anyone but himself. You have 4 years to deprogram.
  2. S

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    When is my 401K going to start disappear like our Domestic Terrorist President promised? If Wall Street is a forward looking mechanism they must like what a Biden whitehouse looks like. Actaully the party in the Whitehouse has no bearing on the stock market, history proves this. However who...
  3. S

    Broke a guys heart permission to track denied

    competition for big bucks may be why hunting will die someday. It will just become a rich man's game, like in other places of the world. I've been on a the side of the fence with 5 acres. We all need to start somewhere. Someone is not going to go out and buy 200 acres just to get into hunting...
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    Broke a guys heart permission to track denied

    I agree tough situation and I'm sure you feel torn but it It sounds like the horn porn got the best of you on this one. Karma is a bitch.
  5. S


    This is a world wide pandemic. Are the rest of the nations of the world also trying to rig their elections? One ridiculous conspiracy theory after another. Where do you guys come up with this stuff??? Let me guess..Chuck Woolery. Thanks to great Americans like Chuck Woolery who profit off of a...
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    Our brothers, fathers and grandfathers made the ultimate sacrifice by fighting and dying in wars in god forsaken places and we don't have the political will and can't deal with the small inconvenience to wear a stupid mask while in public to get this country moving again. You wear a mask to...
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    Bat boxes

    I bought one from a guy at a farmers market. Crazy dude told me to piss on the box, that would help attract bats, So off course I did. Whose crazy? He was quite the salesman. I've never had a bat near the the thing in 5-8 years that I have had it.
  8. S

    Liberal teachers pushing their views

    Now teachers are the enemy???? Its called critical thinking. Its an important skill in life, try it sometime. Teachers, Colleges, Press and Scientists are liberal and have evil agendas to take your tax dollars and poison your children's minds. Really??? There's a conspricacy theory around...
  9. S

    Liberal teachers pushing their views

    Sounds like the teacher is a regular communist with evil and sinister motives. You should probably home school your kid and teach him to live off the grid. Let me know how that works out for ya.
  10. S

    Scott's habitat improvements

    This is a great thread. Thanks for sharing. I'm trying to get my mind wrapped around throw and grow methods because I had minimal success last year. Can you share some before and after throw n grow plots? You provided them in the thread but there's a lot of information here and it was hard to...
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    Found Some Antiques

    Too cool. Made me tear up thinking about rabbit hunting with my Uncle Bob and his beagle Dusty. Thanks for sharing
  12. S

    Hypothetical-protecting the wild turkey

    There's nothing like Turkey hunting. The spring woods, the calling and interaction, the strategy, the movement. If your hunting turkeys like you hunt deer I can understand why you don't like it. In fact, I own two parcels of land 40 and 100 acres that are full of turkeys. I chose to do the...
  13. S


    Great point. This is exactly where Putin wants us. What comes next? APATHY. When people give up searching for the truth and don't care anymore they look to Individual's to tell them the truth. Dictators, Authoritarianism, propaganda, Putin, Trump, CNN, Fox News, Its your responsibility as a...
  14. S


    Donald discredits himself with his actions and his tweets. Actions and words matter. The "Liberal" media can't even make this shit up. The public, markets and world are looking for stability and calm. All they get from the Donald is more chaos and name calling. The party of Lincoln and Reagan...
  15. S


    Is the media in the rest of the world also against overblowing the virus? I guess its just our "liberal" media. How about the rest of the world Economy??? Are they just overreacting to CNN? No wonder the markets and everyone is panicking. We have a President wearing a goofy truckers hat holding...
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    The Throw n’ Mow Method

    I'm in Central WI. I've had somewhat spotty results with Brassicas but this year the deer went wild for the turnips and destroyed them. The problem is it was mostly after hunting season, which is okay, I'm just glad they are getting some benefit. They target Rape and turnip tops and after a...
  17. S

    cuddelink vs spypoint micro

    Yes, you can hear it click, its not as loud the Cuddelink but still significant. Making noise is the least of the Cuddelink problems, I'm glad I only bought two. Overall I'm very happy with the Spypoint, although I am having trouble with one of the Spypoints micro that is less than 1 year old...
  18. S

    To piggyback...most mismanaged state for whitetails

    Where ever you live and hunt. In this day and age of everyone believes they are wildlife and fish manager because they go outdoors 10 days a year and watch the Outdoor Channel and YouTube nobody is happy.
  19. S

    Slow Day... The Best Big Buck State

    I live and hunt in WI and also have hunted Iowa for 20+ years. Iowa wins hands down.... not even close. The reasons are as follows all of which allow a buck to get older and therefore sport a larger rack. 1. Slug only and IA gun season is not during the height of the rut. 2. Less hunters and a...
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    Neighbor Trouble - Need some advice

    "A little piece of advice for the future, don't ask for nor take anything from people that you believe are up to no good" This piece of advice from Bueller is the best that has been given. Since you border state land I would be very careful about accusing the slobs of vandalism. Hell, it could...