Search results

  1. Sconnie

    PFAS in Biosolid Fertilizers

    Saw this interesting read on “forever chemicals” in “Organic Fertilizers” I have been a big fan of Miloganite and Menards Organic for years... I’m now second guessing that. It does...
  2. Sconnie

    Beef River 80

    Hi Guys, I haven't put much on here so lets start. Info: 80 Acres ex Dairy Farm in West Central Wisconsin. Sandy loam soil that produces well, soil tests done last in 2017. Limed to 6.3-6.5, gypsum because Cats, phased out synthetic fertilizer in 2018 . Area is heavy ag, Beans/Corn and...
  3. Sconnie

    Modular Stick Build Blind

    It's Official, my big summer project is FINALLY completed. On our family farm we have a small ridge that comes to a point overlooking the river bottoms. About 10 years ago I decided it was perfect for a blind and my grandfather and I built one out of left over materials. Fast forward to now...
  4. Sconnie

    C-Tine Cultivator

    Hi All, Looking to add to the food plot fleet. We currently have a JD 850 Tractor (turf tires/2 wd) with brushmower, lawn roller and rototiller. Our two food plots equal about 2 acres and sit on sandy loam flat land. I am not a fan of messing with the rototiller (it's heavy to put on, gets...
  5. Sconnie

    Protect Dogwoods etc.?

    I have decided to start diversifying a 4 acre project area (open old pasture) with shrubs including Nannyberry, Gray Dogwood, Red Osier Dogwood and Nine Bark. I have found a local nursery and have ordered 5 of each (12-30"). Never planted them before so this is a bit of an experiment. They...