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  1. Roger

    X7Ds are in - Transferred from QDMA Forums

    It is very old. One of the first ones. It sat in a closet for many years before being put out in the field again. I had it going for over a year on driveway duty. I would actually like to donate it for parts to your network if you want it Jack. It is at BEC right now. I had told them to...
  2. Roger

    X7Ds are in - Transferred from QDMA Forums

    So after a little under 1 month I finally heard back from Buckeye Cam tech support yesterday. The camera needed a new board and was going to cost $500. Something I am not willing to spend on an old camera when you can have an x80 for just a few hundred more. So anyway, I have a brick Orion...
  3. Roger

    X7Ds are in - Transferred from QDMA Forums

    So I just contacted Buckeye Cam about servicing my one of my old Orion cameras and they said they would "attempt" to fix it. They were not sure if they could obtain parts etc. for it. Could this be the end for the Orion Jack??? I am sending it in today and will report back...
  4. Roger

    Yoderjac X80 question

    You are correct...I have both Reconyx HC600 and Buckeye Orion and X80s. My Reconyx cams have been outside 24/7 for 5 years and 8 months. Sent one in last month and they repaired it for me no charge. They are a fantastic trail cam company as well.
  5. Roger

    Yoderjac X80 question

    A slave or flash upgrade would be very nice. I always like it when my Reconyx flashes at the same time my X80 does. I do not know much about the technical aspects of trail camera building but the flash range is the weakest area of the X80.