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  1. dogghr

    Rambling Plots

    Just few pics of throw and mow into WW /clover plot done late July. 19-19-19 added but no Urea which is what can really make brassica pop. I’ve done mono culture brassica before with great results. But no more. This less time and money consuming. The WW reseeds itself yearly as do the clovers. I...
  2. dogghr

    Lime Aid

    Best way to get her done. 9 ton for $400 from local feed store. . Do the math on $4-5/40# bag. And no sweat. Gave him 50$ JST for saving my back. Haven’t needed for 10 years. Ph has stayed 6.5+ until just recently after getting it up from 5.5 when I bought the farm. I like to keep around 7 w...
  3. dogghr

    Dozer TSI

    Have you ever done this and what were the results? Several years ago I read in Dougherty's book "Grow Em Right", where he speaks of using a dozer with the blade set about 3 feet off the ground and then just plow over any lodge pole trees. He did say to have a good cage since it was a very messy...
  4. dogghr

    Have Any Worms???

    Question I have been trying to get around to ask. Short of a long story. I have a friend (a non hunter but takes his son hunting because son likes to hunt) who asked me if I had seen something before. While his son was gutting a deer he killed, they found at least 6, foot long worms in the...
  5. dogghr

    Don't Be Stupid

    One of my employees is off today because she spent the night in the ER with her BF. He committed the cardinal sin of starting his tractor from the ground thinking it was in neutral. Needless to say, it ran over him. Luckily he is just bruised up bad. Lucky he is young. Since he works large...