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  1. S

    Bur Oak or Swamp White Oak?

    I've always assumed these were swamp white oaks but now I'm not so sure. What do you guys think? If you're sure one way or another what is the dead giveaway if there is one? Also for those that have both species does there seem to be a preference by deer as far as acorns and browse go? Thanks!
  2. S

    Transplant Timing

    Hey guys, I've got a couple young apple trees that I'd like to transplant out to the farm this offseason. I was originally thinking of doing it around April 1st just before green up but this warm spell has me thinking I could get it done a little early. Any disadvantage or potential problems...
  3. S

    Permanent 'Scrape' Trees

    So after reading a bunch of Bartylla's stuff, I've become a huge fan of his idea of cutting scrape trees and 'replanting' them in food plots. I've used them the past couple years and they've been awesome for camera locations and for positioning deer for shots as I'm sure most of you know. I've...
  4. S

    Summer Range vs Fall Range, when is your buck activity best?

    I saw something similar posted in another thread and it got me thinking. Does your property seem like a place that bucks appear to flock to during the rut phases, during the summer, or both? It seems like there's 3 common scenarios: A. Guys who watch bucks develop only to have them disappear...