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  1. H

    Anyone do Logo design work?

    I have a farm and starting a youtube channel and Im interested in some Logo design work. Anyone here do anything like that or have experience with someone that does?
  2. H

    Spy Point Link Micro-Verizon PRICE REDUCTION

    I bought two of these last year for my hunting lease only to find out we don't have service down there. $45 each plus shipping.
  3. H

    Wheat Seeding- Is it too late

    Hey guys, I had full intentions of spraying gly before now. My wheat has headed out. I want to spray and then broadcast eqyptian wheat and milo into the standing, but im afraid with all the wheat heads now I maybe too late. Whats your thoughts?
  4. H

    LC Mix Question

    Okay, so I disclaimer... I am 100% new to this site. Years ago I came across the LC Mix on the QDMA forum and wanted to implement it then but just never went through with it. After spending many hours on fields over the past 3-4 weeks I am ready to start a pilot program. So I tried to go back...