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  1. bben

    If you plant it, they’ll come! New plot

    New small food plot in pictures
  2. bben

    Antlered doe

    This is her second year around. Sort of unique to have and maybe she is got some weird cool genes to pass.
  3. bben

    Hunting treehouse 8x8x16

    Newest tree stand on the farm! Started this one back in the spring and worked on it every other week. Used mostly left over lumber so it is not perfectly squared totally not my fault hahaha. Next trip I’m bringing carpet and couple office chairs and then bye bye until late October. Start to...
  4. bben

    Who ate all my fruit and chew the branches?

    About a month ago I came back from a week absence to my place only to find that all of the fruit trees were ripped off their fruit, all of it. I did not find anything left out of about 6 trees between apples and pears. Also, damage is showing in several branches as if something chewed on them...