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Search results

  1. Scarecrow

    Porcupine Damage

    Porcupine got to 3 of my pears. 2nd year in a row. Last year I removed the cages on a few of my older trees figuring they were big enough to do so. I reinstalled the 3 cages late March this year. I'm guessing it was able to climb up the cage and reach out and grab the tree. Once on the tree it...
  2. Scarecrow

    Need some advice

    About 10 years ago I purchase 2 dozen apple trees (wild apple variety) from the St Lawrence Nursery. They were doing well and I had a few start to produce fruit about 5 years ago. Over the past 3 years quite a few (7-8) of these have developed a sickness. Not sure if its Fire Blight, Blossom...
  3. Scarecrow

    Fire Blight?

    I believe several of my apple and crab apple trees have Fire Blight. The past 2 years come Spring time the trees look healthy.....start to bud and bloom....then the new end growth wilt...turn black....the die back. The trees then struggle all summer. I took pics the best I could to show the...