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  1. B

    Sneaky Bastages

    My buddy shot one of the mature bucks we have had on camera all year Friday afternoon, but unfortunately only wounded it. It was a very old really big bodied 6 point. Got to thinking about where it was shot and it made me think he may have had us hunters figured out a lot better than we had him...
  2. B

    Gotta make lemonade

    In keeping with all the timber harvest posts I decided to throw my situation out in the fray and see what some of you more experienced hunters suggest for the next few years.My west neighbor is mostly through clear cutting their entire 250 acres of beautiful mature native pine/hardwood forest...
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    A Summers Growth

    My buddy has been running cameras on my place this year for the first time. He sent me this photo sequence of one of our regulars. [/URL][/IMG]
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    Painting PT Wood

    I have a couple of shooting house bases completed and want to paint them as added protection. How long do you generally have to let pressure treated wood dry before painting.
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    Little project

    Like many from the forum which shall remain nameless I got into growing my own a few years back, wildlife trees that is. Have had up to 60 trees going at one time and because of the time and ineffectiveness of hand watering ran the idea of a fairly elaborate watering system through my head but...
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    Shooting house windows

    I am constructing a couple of new single man box blinds. None of my existing boxes have closable windows and I want these to have them to keep out the weather and critters. Since I have never hunted out of a blind with actual see through windows I guess my question is do you usually keep the...
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    PM's on this forum

    How does it work and how do you tell if you have one?
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    My Summer Plot Experiment

    Last year I decided it was time to make a real effort at summer plots. Have made a couple of half hearted attempts at soybeans which were failures due to neglect and overgrazing. The bottom 3 AC of my only remaining open field had been fallow for about 4-5 years, which was my last failure. My...
  9. B

    My first farm pics

    I have never messed with trailcams because I am not at the Farm enough to keep up with them. Well my buddy who lives up there got a couple of cheapos at Walmart last week and I think I am already hooked on seeing whats actually roaming around the place. Turns out there are a few pretty nice uns...