Recent content by Steven Tolly

  1. S

    Drill, Throw, Buckwheat to Brassicas and Grains

    Not my first time with food plots, but I finally have the time, equipment and enough finances to make them work. South Central Iowa, All old CRP Fields Did a Soil Test and having 2 tons of lime per acre added right now. I know it will not be perfect this spring, but had to get it down sometime...
  2. S

    Good Now or Later

    I did see him. Working a timber edge about 200 yards away, but he was there. Pictures still rolling in of him and a couple more, but most after dark. Just a waiting game, going to keep picking away from the outside and let him come to me. At least until november or next cold front.
  3. S

    Good Now or Later

    Well with the cold this weekend I am hoping to at least see him in person. He has been working an acorn line on the edge of one of my fields/plots before dark a few times over the last week so I am hoping he shows. You have to love cell cameras to help you know when to go after a certain deer.
  4. S

    Good Now or Later

    I am struggling with this deer. Lots of points, but his mass makes him look small to me. Any thoughts? He is a homebody and I think this weekend is a great weekend to go after him with the cold front we have coming to Iowa.
  5. S

    Late Planting Advice

    The rye will grow and be perfect in a few weeks. I would skip the radishes and peas, not enough time to make it worth the investment. Clover might be ok. I am not sure. I am throwing rye into all of my bean plots tonight, because I like the green for bow season and the deer hammer it.
  6. S

    spring planted winter rye?

    I have not been down to the farm for about a month and they were hitting hard on my last card pull. It never gets very high. I assume they keep it mowed down. It is certainly not knee high or even ankle.
  7. S

    spring planted winter rye?

    So what happens to the rye I planted last fall that is still growing. Mine never gets very tall because the deer seem to keep it mowed. I am planning on replanting those plots as soon as Iowa drys out for a day or two.
  8. S

    Iowa, Rain, Back Plot Waiting

    Ok I have talked about this plot a few times on here, it is my back plot across the creek, only accessible by 4 wheeler. It is 3 acres in the middle of a 20 year old CRP field, not what I would call well drained, but usually dry. This year who knows. It was mowed last spring, sprayed and...
  9. S

    Where to Find, Fertilizer and Lime

    Well the ground has not been planted in 20 years or more. It has been in CRP since I hunted the farm as a kid, it has flooded a handful of times in those 20 years and last year was one of those years. The rye did well on the three acres last year. This year I am hoping to split between half...
  10. S

    Where to Find, Fertilizer and Lime

    I was hoping someone would say that about lime. I just cannot see how to get that much back there. The Rye has grown great so I have high hopes the soil test says good things. I think I am going to stick with some clovers, buckwheat in part of it this spring with some sunflowers and milo...
  11. S

    Where to Find, Fertilizer and Lime

    That is where I got rye last year. I emailed them today asking about lime and fert today. I am just worried how I am going to get 1000 lbs back there. That is a lot of trips considering the only thing crossing the creek is my wheeler or UTV. I do not even think I could get a wagon up the...
  12. S

    Where to Find, Fertilizer and Lime

    Ok I have one plot that we cannot get to with a tractor it is three acres in the middle of a CRP field. The creek is washed out and getting in from the back is a pain. So where do I find fertilizer and lime I can spread with my 4 wheeler and pull behind spreader. Can I get it in bags that do...
  13. S

    Best software for managing photos?

    Adobe Bridge you can browse keep what you want and trash the rest.
  14. S

    Meanwhile in Iowa

    It appears the deer are adapting to the weather. That or we are being invaded by the White Walkers from Game of Thrones. They also seem to like our food plots.
  15. S

    The Hunt For Cicero

    Nice write up. Congratulations on the deer and the land.